Getting Too Close

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I can't do this anymore. I can't keep bringing him along. He doesn't realize, but things are getting worse. Incredibly bad. I won't tell him, can't, but they're too close. Tightening around us. I can't have him anymore.
"Is everything alright?"
Shit. Why the hell does he have to know me so well. Even so, I know how to put on a false face. Fool even him. "Yeah, I'm fine. Just thinking about what the next reward should be." He shakes his head, scoffing.
"Oh, I'm sure you'll think of something."
He has no idea and it'll stay that way. I have to let him go, but how am I going to do it? I know a few people I suppose...
"What type are you going to use this time?"
Wait...yes! That's perfect. Oh I'm fucking horrible. Forgive me please. Or rather, don't. It'll be easier. "Oh I think I'll make this reward special." I smirk and he chuckles. What have I done? He looks so peaceful watching out the window. He's so immune to least I've got a plan now. I hope it works, cause it might be my last chance. I can tell they're close, I can feel it. I'll change this though. Might not make it better...but I'm going to anyway. Might be the only way to get him out of this. Fuck. So much for my hope for us. Alright, let's do can.. "I think we should stop for the night soon. We've been traveling pretty long."
"Good idea. Can we get a hotel this time though? I'm in a desperate need of a bed cause I don't think my back can take another night in the car."
Good. Just what I needed him to say. "Alright, fine. I guess I can spoil you a bit."
"Where we gonna stop?"
"I know a town near here. It's got a nice motel with wonderfully comfy beds, plus someone I can see to get the next reward ready. It'll be perfect."
"Yes! That sounds like exactly what we need!"
"It is." In more ways than you know. There's no backing out now. I can do this. I have to.
"What's the town called?"
"It's called Vale Perierate."
"Huh. Interesting sounding."
Interesting indeed. And undeniably fitting. Vale Perierate. Direct translation is 'Farewell Lost'. It also translates as Goodbye lost one'. How uncomfortably perfect.

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