Chapter 4

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You are probably wondering why I did that, right? Honestly? I do not know. I had the sudden urge to prove those people wrong, I did not like to be judged, just like everyone else. 

I made my way out of the market, passing the newspaper guy who looked up at me like I was a dinosaurian, and walked to Elise. I didn't get very far, though, my legs turned to jelly midstride and I had to stop for a few minutes to regain my posture. That was intense. My tummy was scorchingly hot, whereas I imagined my head to explode. In biology class they never told us that THAT would happen if you were attracted to somebody! Stupid anatomy. Only talking about making babies, what fools. 

When I was sure of my footing again, I reached Elise – my expression cut off whatever she wanted to say – she simply got into the passenger seat without another word on her part. Thank god I was seated! I rested my head against the seat, closed my eyes and breathed. In. Out. In. Out. Finally, I was my old self again and noticed.... I was happy. It was easy being happy around her, no faking, simply being genuinely happy without feeling guilty for it. I had no idea how she managed to have that effect on me. 

"Sooooo...." She drew the word out – "Do you want to tell me what happened to you and pretty boy?" I couldn't believe that she STILL wiggled her eyebrows suggestively like an eighteen-year-old. I cracked a smile and told her:

"You should better ask, what did not happen."

Her eyes grew wide playfully, "Oh Gosh, please do not tell me you kissed! Who would want to have sex in a supermarket anyway? Oh, well, if I'd consider it, I'll bet the cash is –"

"ELISE!?" I blushed furiously and stopped her short immediately, which made her smirk even harder. "Relax, honey."
Thankfully she dropped the topic, starting the car, while I was smiling,clutching the paper in my hand, not even once looking at it.  

Edible Distraction Denied

Once we were safely parked, we carried our goods into her apartment on the fourth floor. No, there wasn't an elevator, so it turned out to be an exercise as well as a balanceact because - clever ladies that we were- we didn't think about bringing a bag for the transport. We managed to get the door open with two feet and a nose, – yes it was my nose– pushing it in, where her cats immediately greeted us, though we had to stumble past, to drop our goods in the kitchen.

"Finally! Elise, we will never ever get out of the house without a bag again!" My arms and my chin were sore because of the sharp edges. "My nose will not touch that handle again." I rubbed my arms to pump blood back in them and started to unpack, but Elise wouldn't let me. Everything I'd pick up, she'd pry out of my hands putting it where it belonged herself.

"Stop assisting me, Elva. You've done enough already." What had I done? "You are here for relaxation, you are always so careful with other people, helping them, loving them, caring for them – let me take care of you now, okay?"

My lips turned into a pout and I exclaimed, "But I WANT to bake cookies,... " She turned me down with a good-natured stare, willing me to say something, "Tomorrow, AFTER you have looked at the note you're crumbling in your hand just now."
Her eyes fixed on my balled fist. "I know you haven't even looked at it yet, so get out of my kitchen, woman! Before I'll do something immature like throwing flour into your face, disorientating you, so I can look at your paper."

For emphasis, she reached into the cupboard, which hung behind her, but I had already retreated my steps, turning towards my guest room, where I felt pretty safe of her oncoming attacks. She knew what to threaten me with this lady– I did not want to wash flour out of my hair for the rest of the week.

I turned the knob to my room, stepped in and faceplanted onto my bed. It wasn't a kingsize bed or anything, her flat was small, therefore my room was only furnished with a bed in the right corner, a desk in the left corner – a window looking out to the parking lot, I know, amaaazing view, tell me – and a closet right next to the door. The walls were painted a tale green color, whereas the floor was padded with a fluffy carpet. Normally, I despised carpets, but this one, oh! – it felt like it massaged my feet and the feeling alone almost gave me inner pleasures. That was the reason why I would walk around barefoot all the time, I didn't care if my feet smelled. They didn't. Did they?

My curtains were drawn back to reveal the lovely sunset that only started to set, the orange light flooding my room and dancing across my wall. Sunset was my favorite time of the day, I loved the time where it wasn't afternoon, but not yet evening either. This change from light to dark was mesmerizing for my eyes, I dreamt of it every time, sitting on a mountain in the woods, where no one would see me, and I would see the world, changing from day to night – the turning point for society. Sigh.

Swell, I guess I had to look at the note then.

Slowly I unfolded the note, trying to press it wrinkle free – I shouldn't have clutched it like that. My eyes roamed over the message, taking in his scribbling, the hard edges of the type and the soft turns of his signature. Something inside my belly fluttered, I chose to ignore it because I surely was just hungry. Or not.

I forgot to write my phone number on here. Such a coincidence because now I have to see your orange juice covered backside again. What a shame. Tomorrow, 3pm in the parking lot. Without the extra wetness please. – Rosecashier.

I couldn't help, but crack a smile – he really thought he was a humorous wiseass. Men.
My orange soaked butt felt sticky, I hadn't changed clothes since then, so now it was time for a shower. I grabbed a towel, clothes and headed into the bathroom opposite of my room, still feeling giddy and nervous because of tomorrow. I replayed the note in my head, thinking. If he wanted a game, a game is what he got. Bring it on.  

A Rose to Change a LifeWhere stories live. Discover now