Ice Gato

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Name: Chisa 'Ice' GatoAge: 13Gender: FemalePersonality: she's pretty Chill(Get it?) she loves to have fun

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Name: Chisa 'Ice' Gato
Age: 13
Gender: Female
Personality: she's pretty Chill(Get it?) she loves to have fun. She's also a dedicated gamer and loves to play video games.she can be quite quiet and out if it to most people, but she'll come around eventually.
Sexuality: bisexual 
Species: human/cat(Neko, I guess)
Likes: Video games, anime, sleep, having fun. Making others happy
Dislikes: Annoyances, power outages, fire. When someone she knows is sad/depressed. She can't help her friends. Being called a child and weak.
Looks: up above
Backstory: (none)
Extra: she's the successor to Scarlet. Has three sisters, Artemus, Dian, and Luka. Who are all triplets.

Senario 1: you were busy working on something stressful. You were really busy and tired. Ice walked in asking if you wanted to play a video game with her because she was bored. You began to yell at her calling her a child. She began to tear up and run away. You...

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