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The body lies lifeless on the slab as Tessa examines it. Castiel has seen death before. Dozens of times in photos, on crimes scenes, hell even in his dreams. He had long gotten over his fear, but he had never got over the sight. How a body looked empty and wrong, how it no longer looked human. The body on the slab looks almost untouched despite some bruises and scars but he didn't seem mortally wounded. Castiel suppressed a shiver at his too pale skin.

"Tes?" Castiel he says to the distracted M.E. He has been around her long enough now to know she prefers the nickname and has a tendency to get lost in her work. From the surprise on her face she hadn't seen Castiel come in.

"Castiel" She smiles guiltily, almost like she hadn't been prepared for his arrival.

"What happened?" he asks looking down at the body noticing that Tessa,seems more shaken than usual. Her curious green eyes are filled with some unknown fear. It had been part of the reason he had come here. Naomi hadn't called and technically he was finished for the night. He doesn't have to be here, but Tessa had called him and the fear in her voice made him worry.

The two exchange a look and Castiel smiles slightly. Since he had been reinstated they had become somewhat awkward friends and despite the body beneath him Castiel wants to be sure she was okay.

As if reading his thoughts Tessa shakes her head, "I'm fine Cas." She says her voice returning to her usual spunky tone. To his credit Castiel hid his shock at the nickname. It wasn't uncommon, most of his friends called him Cas but after hearing Dean say it the word took on an entirely new meaning.

he raises an eyebrow at her "Then why did you call me?"

Tessa sighs,"This was Max Miller, 29. His body was recovered from his home near 74th." Tessa says, her professional composure kicking in.

Castiel frowns, he has heard the name before. "Cause?"

Tessa bites her lip, lifting Max's right arm. A small pitchfork is tattooed to his wrist. "That's the thing Cas. As far as I can tell it was rat poison."

Castiel freezes. The name suddenly very vivid in his brain, but it was impossible. They couldn't know could they?

Tessa watches him carefully, seeing the understanding on his face she continues."There's also this." Tessa say pointing at further down max's forearm. Carved into the skin lies one word. "Jeremiah 2:13"

"I had Billie look it up." She says pulling out a piece of paper. "For My people have committed two evils: They have forsaken Me, the fountain of living waters, to hew for themselves cisterns, broken cisterns That can hold no water.' I mean I don't know about you but that sounds like someone broke someone's trust right. Oh and then there's his phone. He phoned the tip line Cas! I mean-"

Castiel rubs his head a sign of his overwhelming stress.  "Tessa please slow down for five minutes."

She doesn't, instead she raises her voice "I was right wasn't I? He's a informer, like my brother?"

Castiel stares at her, then nods. Part of the reason they had become friends was because Tessa's brother Ezekiel had been caught dealing Croatan. At the time it had confused Castiel how the two were even slightly related but Tessa's love for brother was clear. The sentiment was clearly returned because when Zachariah threatened Tessa's position Zeke point blank agreed to do whatever he wanted, including be a CI. Tessa had found out by some miracle and after many fights she agreed that it was safer for Zeke to stay where he was for now. Max Milligan had been another CI and the irony of his death wasn't lost on either of them. No wonder Tessa had called. He looked at her and without hesitation he pulled the girl into a hug.

"I'll watch out for him." He mumbles into her hair ignoring the sweet smell of rot and rose perfume that seemed to cling to her skin.

"I know." She sighs, pulling back unshed tears sparkling in her eyes. "You should call Naomi; she'll want to know about this."

Castiel nods, reluctantly pulling out his cell.

"Castiel" Naomi says coldly. "Do we have Dean Winchester's agreement."

Castiel sighs, rubbing his neck "Yes. Naomi, Max Milligan is dead."

The line goes silent. Seconds feel like years as Castiel waits for his bosses' reply.

"Where are you?" Naomi asks eventually , her voice giving nothing away.

"The morgue."

"I'll send Raphael over now." She pauses thinking for a second, "When he arrives I expect you to go home Castiel I need you for sharp tomorrow."

Castiel freezes surprised by the caring nature of her words (because as far as Naomi goes that was damn well sentimental). "Ok." He mumbles as the line went dead.

Tessa watches him. Taking in the detective's rumpled attire and tired blue eyes. "Long day?"

"The longest." Castiel says with a sigh, Tessa places a comforting hand on his shoulder just as the Dr. Bishop walks in. The two turn to stare at the perpetually thin man and Castiel suppressed another shiver.

Bishop has apparently been around forever and in Castiels head he was the image of Death himself. Everything about the man feels cold and twisted like the morgue he worked in. Surprisingly in his wrinkled hands the man held a box of pizza.

Castiel raises an eyebrow at Tessa who is already moving away to grab a slice. "You can seriously eat in here?" He asks.

"Why not?" Bishop replies his voice steady as he crunched a pickle between his thin lips. "They're just people Castiel."

Castiel shrugs trying not to show his disgust. Tessa watches the exchange with a hint of amusement in her eyes. "Castiel has a soft side." She offers as explanation, Bishop nods like that explains everything. Hell maybe it does.

shaking his head at both of them Castiel is suddenly aware of how tired he is. The day's events are slowly catching up on him. It had been a long day and suddenly Castiel realized he hadn't eaten much. Stomach growling Castiel threw away his disgust and grabbed a slice of the pizza, ignoring the attendant's smirks.

Time passes slowly, Tessa and Bishop discussed cases sometimes pulling Castiel into the conversation. As the agent sat down full of pizza and completely exhausted. When Raphael walks in Castiel passes him without a word, briefly nodding a hello before moving to his car.

Once arriving at the apartment door Castiel is surprisingly greeted with silence. Bartholomew is gone. Castiel remembers with a start. Despite the expectation he hadn't really reacted well. His brain too focused on the case, which in hindsight was kind of the problem. Castiel sighs again forgetting about Bartholomew for now. His tired mind focusing on nothing but the empty bed and falling asleep almost immediately.

Surprisingly for the first time in months Castiel wasn't woken by nightmares. Instead he dreamed of barstools and brilliant green eyes.

A/N short I know the next chapter will be way way longer but I hate changing POVS in one chapter so this will do for now. I started 6th form this week so I might update less but I'm aiming for once a week at least.

Side note does anyone watch Izombie because as I was writing this all I could picture was Liv and Ravi and Tessa and Death and it made me smile.

Peace out bitches.

*please vote/comment cause I'm genuinely proud of this story so far and I would so criticism.*

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