He ran as fast as he could to get away from them not looking where he was running; he ran into the forest to get away from the group that followed. He looked back to see if they were behind him; they weren't, he was relieved as he slide down on a nearby tree, with knees close to his chest the boy griped his dull brown hair with his pale hands as he covered his face with his palms and let the tears fall out of his eyes and let every emotion that consumed him out, he stayed seated under the tree for sometime. He soon got up and tried to figure a way out of the massive dark forest, He wondered around trying to find a possible exit but gave up after noticing he wouldn't get out, the boy looked up from the massive dark trees that towered over him to find that it was dark which meant the night consumed the sky; he then slide back down onto a near by tree with knees close to chest and lanky arms around them, he closed his dark eyes and fell into a deep restless slumber in the dark forest.

He tried to keep running but his legs burned from the continuous pain that surged through them; he couldn't seem to out run the older group of boys that chased him with knives, rocks, and guns. He soon fell to the ground, his legs gave in from the excessive running; he turned around with horror to see the group of boys caught up and were already there towering over him. The poor boy tried to find an escape route; when he wasn't able to, he tried and backed up as much as he could to get away from the older boys, but his luck ran out when he hit a brick wall, the leader of the group pinned both of his hands to the brick wall and straddled the boy to restrain him from any further movement, the leader took his free hand and punched the younger boy in the face drawing blood, before the boy could black out the last words he heard come from his tormentor were "your pathetic Kendall" then he lost consciousness—

Kendall woke up in a jerking motion while lifting a hand and placed it onto his forehead feeling the beads of sweat on his forehead; he knew to well that he had a nightmare, the same recurring nightmare he alway had; running away from the same group of boys, in the same place, with the same ending; him dead on the ground covered with dangerously amounts of blood. Kendall shook his head and and wiped the sweat from his face, he got up from the ground; stretch his legs out and started to walk around searching for a way out not caring to find any food. He suddenly fell upon a note stating such things not very important to him, he took it just in case; he kept find more and more of these weird notes all over the forest he collected them for some odd reason, but he let it slide for the moment, the only thing on his mind was getting out of the forest. He suddenly stopped to look around for something—

Then his vision blurred. He abruptly awoke with wave of shock, his eyes widen with fear he didn't know where he was or how he got there, he was especially scared of who might've brought him; he didn't know who but he feared that the person might kill him when he finds him awake, he realize after his fear subsided that he wasn't in the wilderness anymore; but in a house—no more like a small mansion he was on the floor, inches from the couch; Kendall annoyingly looked at the distance he was from the couch, the person could of at least had the courtesy to dropped him on the couch instead of mere inches from it; he face palmed he must of fallen off the dang thing as he woke up. He got up slowly trying to avoid make any noise that might get the attention of his captor; he walked to a nearby window and stared out with arms on the small platform, Kendall saw nothing but trees he was confused why would there be a house in the middle of the forest, he then started to think about being back in his small home with his parents, he didn't hear his captor entered the room; but when he did he quickly got scared as his captor brought their slender fingers onto Kendall's chin to make him face them directly, Kendall stared directly into their mesmerizing eyes that seeped out from a masquerade eye mask, they seemed able to control Kendall without much force, "your lucky I found you." they said with a monotone voice, Kendall could hear from the sound for their voice he was a male, from his height and hair even few facial features he was a young adult around his twenties, "I could of left you there to die, but something intrigued me about you" he continued as he took his fingers away from Kendall's chin and started to walk away from him; so blunt with the idea of death he thought to himself, "h–hey, who are you?" Kendall asked with a faint blush forming across his cheeks, curiosity washing over him, "that will remain a secret." he said then left the room.

After the masked man left the room, Kendall just sat on the ground with his legs close to his chest with his arms around them and laid his head on the top of his knees facing the door where the masked man left. Kendall soon started to think about the masked man's features; the man wasn't really a man more like a mature young adult, had dark brown hair that complemented his pale skin nicely; he also had a little section of hair that was almost bleached blonde it blended perfectly with his hair, his eyes were crystal blue that drawn Kendall's attention immediately other than that his complexion seemed perfect, the man was was tall, and skinny, Kendall soon started to faintly blush as he continued to think about the masked man more, Kendall then shook the thought out of his head, "why me?" He said to himself; he looked at his clothes, his v-neck half sleeve shirt that fit loosely on him it had a dark gray border around his neck line and that completely filled his sleeves the rest was white, his black skinny jeans, and his black and white shoes, then compared them to the masked man's; the man wore a lovely white dress shirt and on top of that he wore a black vest that suited him well, the man wore dark gray dress pants, and black dress shoes, Kendall felt insecure by the man's fancy leveled fashion, after thinking about his taste in fashion he started to drifted off to sleep in the same deep restless slumber that only ended badly for him the next morning. The masked man re-entered the room Kendall was in, to only fine the young man asleep, the man thought Kendall was near seventeen or eighteen by his appearance; Kendall was lanky, he wasn't well built for his age, he was not as tall as the man, his face was the key factor of his appearance to making his look young, thick dark eyelashes, messy dark hair, pale smooth skin, thin round pale lips. The masked man picked up Kendall delicately and took him to a bedroom for his night rest, the man placed Kendall on the bed with such delicate care not to wake him up, then left the room, and retreated his own, the masked man sat down on the edge of his own bed removing his mask revealing his true appearance...

To be continued

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2016 ⏰

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