The Beginning

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Sleep. We all do it and we all need it. It is something that we need to in order to be strong.

**Your p.o.v**
I was sleeping peacefully for the first time in weeks. Sleep wasn't that common for me, it was something that I don't really have, if you could say that, it's always hard for me to fall asleep. I just stay awake all night thinking about life and what would it would do be like if I was gone. I had no friends and everyone didn't really like me, they weren't mean just stayed away from me.

After school I went home to see my family. They weren't the best family at all they always fought and would constantly make there fights about me. When I was younger my mother came home drunk and told me I was a mistake and that she didn't love me at all and that I was nothing. She was right. I was nothing and was a mistake.

Walking home I could hear some rustling in the near by bushes, I lived kinda next to a forest.

Going home and putting my feet on the table made it feel like heaven on Earth. I walked up the stairs to go to my room and heard some foot steps. Walking closer they stopped. I didn't care all I wanted was to sleep and relax.

I went into my bed and sleept the day away.

Jeff The KillerxReader Where stories live. Discover now