MDM chapter 5: The Compass

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Ryya's POV

I was almost finished on my first page of parchment when Harry and Ron barge into the classroom.

"Idiots." I muttered and continued writing on the paper.

"Perhaps it would be more useful if I were to transfigure Mr. Potter and yourself into a pocket-watch." She said. I chuckled and tried to stifle the incoming giggles as she said to turn them into maps instead.

"Smooth." I chuckled.

"Shut up." Ron hissed. I snorted and raised my hands.

"Yes Ms. Weasley?" Professor asked.

"I"m finished Professor." I told her.

"That fast? Very well, let me see." She said. I rose up and walked towards her and handed her my paper.

"Merlin, this is perfect, Ms. Weasley if I say so myself. Keep this up til the end of your years in Hogwarts and I trust that you will be able to pass with flying colors." She complimented. I grinned and walked over to my seat.

Again, I started to scribbled on another piece of parchment.. Not long after, everyone is almost finished and we are allowed to leave.

I have potions next I'm pretty excited for this class and I really want to learn because I love making potions just like making potions in the burrow for the twin's pranks but then again I don't know where so I just followed Hermione to wherever she goes.

At potions, I sat at the other end of the table where Draco and Crabbe were. Beside me is a girl named Astoria Greengrass and she also came from Slytherin but she's really nice.

"Hi.. I hope you don't mind.. I don't wanna really sit beside Pansy and her friends." She shyly asked. I smiled and moved to give her a big space to work on.

The door slammed open and I jumped a little in shock.

"There will be no foolish wand waving or silly incantations in this class" He announced. He had an awfully monotone voice that sounds like he didn't want to be here. He quickly moved to the front and looked at us.

"As such, I don't expect many of you to appreciate the subtle science and exact art that is potion- making. However, for those who select few.." He stared at Draco and .... Me? I gave him little shy smile and saw the corner of his mouth twitched. but then again I could be imagining things.

"Who possess the predisposition ..." He moved closer and closer to Draco who listened so intensely as his eyes flicker between me and Draco's

"... I teach you how to bewitch the mind and ensnare the senses.. I can tell you how to bottle fame, brew glory and even put a stopper in death" He slowly walked toward me.

I was listening at him and fiddling my fingers in excitement.

He snapped his head to Harry who was writing everything he said.

"Then again, maybe some of you have come to Hogwarts in...possession of abilities so formidable to feel confident enough .. to not pay attention." His voice was hard and even with his blank look I could here anger in his voice.

"Mr. Potter.. Our new celebrity...Tell me, what would I get if I added powdered root of asphodel to an infusion of wormwood?" He asked .. I raised my hand with Hermione but he didn't even gave us a glance.

"You don't know? Well, let's try again."

"Where Mr. Potter,where would you look if I asked you to find me a bezoar?" He asked. It was a little tricky for me but I rose my hand when I remembered.

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