New Cover

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I've been needing a new cover for so long! The old one was terrible, but anywho the background is my Zentangle

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I've been needing a new cover for so long! The old one was terrible, but anywho the background is my Zentangle

And I'd like to apologize for my absence on this book, I have a lot of doodles in my school notebook, but they're really just practice doodles. So I'll hopefully have more art up soon.

Really why I haven't been drawing real deal things is because of my art class. My art teacher lets us have the option that if we don't want to do the project we're currently working on, she'll let us fill out a form and then we create our own project. So currently I've been painting a willow tree painting it's VERY time consuming!

But anywho, some more updates is that my Zentangle got put up in the school art viewy thingy. They have this big glass box on the wall by the entrance of the school and the art teacher puts the best art up there! So yeah!

Umm I guess that's it.

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