Chapter 20

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Throughout the months they plan for the wedding seeing as how happy Delaney and Jimmy are her mother forgives but they still don't want her around for the wedding they end up having it at of course the most creepiest place possible a big field over looking a cemetery with a black and purple theme. It was the most gorgeous get creepy wedding possible but everyone loved it. Later on they eventually move out of Jimmy's familys house into one of there own right down from Brian and Michelle's eventually having a beautiful baby boy Marcus Dean Sullivan, Jimmy cain't deny tat child considering its plucked off him 100% and having the natural black hair from Delaney made it exactly a mini Jimmy Jr pounding drums and being a complete little monster but they wouldnt have it any other way. Getting married and growing up made Delaney quit drugs and even smoking all the way being a mother is a big responsibility and she never wants to loose it.

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