When I met Him

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It was a dark rainy monday. I mean of course it was. First day of senior year and it's going to start off by being dreary.

My foster mom was driving me to my highschool and didn't say a word the whole time. She hardly ever talks to me anymore ever since Dan.

Dan was my real mom's boyfriend. He got close to her and as soon as he let her move in he treated her like shit. He would abuse her and hit me sometimes.

He didn't really hit me as much as her. All he did was make me watch it.

He finally left when he killed her.

We got to the highschool and I got out of the car and headed to the principals office. They gave me my schedule and I went to my home room.

I walked in immediately stopped. There was this man in there that I just couldn't stop looking at.

He noticed me staring at him and said,

"You must be Alex, right?"


"Go ahead and sit down. I'm Mr.James."

Danm. It. He's my teacher.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 29, 2017 ⏰

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