Chapter 1

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Van's POV

"Van, can I kiss you?"

I blinked. Did my best friend just ask if he could kiss me?

"Uh, no? Why?"

"Dunno. Just felt like saying it." Leo shrugged, sighing, eyes fixed on the TV screen in front of us.

"Oh, okay." I replied offhandedly, but inwardly I was relieved. If he really meant it, that would've meant he was gay. I gave an internal shudder at the thought. I reached over to grab a couple more chips and shove them into my mouth, one hand still furiously manhandling the controller.

After a couple minutes of silence, Leo sighed again.

I looked over to see him casually button pushing, with no expression on his face.

"What's up?"


Okaaaay. I kept my mouth shut, starting to get irritated. Seriously, he's been like this for the past hour.

Barely ten seconds went by when Leo suddenly asked out of the blue,



"What if I said I was gay?"

I nearly inhaled a whole potato chip, making this weird beluga whale sound in the process of trying not to choke and die. Leo just calmly thumped my back, looking as cool and composed as ever, as if he didn't just ask the most life-changing question ever in the 17 plus years I've known him. All the while still playing the game. One handed. And winning.

"What?" I managed to gasp out, once the worst was over. I stared at him, but his gaze was focused on the screen.

"You heard me, Van."

"Yeah, I heard you, but...."

What the fuck?

"It's just a 'what if'. You don't have to answer." He rubbed his nose, pursing his lips like he always did when he had an itch.

"... This is just a 'what if', right."

"That's what I said, yes."

"Don't get all smart-ass with me." I retorted, punching him lightly on the arm, my brain already thinking on what he asked. I mean, it was just a 'what if' question, not like it was actually true anyways. There's no harm in just thinking it, so I gave it a shot.

First off, it'd be hella weird, considering that fact that I've known him practically since the day I was born and also the fact that he's never, well, seemed gay. Of course there was the fact that he was really really pretty for a guy, what with the blonde hair, piercing grey-blue eyes, delicate face and whatnot, I guess, though he'd kill me if I ever said that out loud. He used to get mistaken for a girl a lot when he was in middle school, and I was always the one that had to fight off creeps that tried to get close to him. So yeah, there was that.

But there was also the fact that he was crazy talented in the whole martial arts thing, like, national level shit, and he's so popular with girls that they literally send him 'gifts' of lacy panties with their numbers written on the inside that they somehow always manage to leave in the backseat of his car. He's pretty famous at our school, like, he's legit nicknamed the 'Cold Prince'. Why? I have no fucking idea. And he's never done the whole talking in a sassy, salty, high-pitched voice thing that literally every gay guy does. Leo's just... not gay.

So I just told him the truth.

"It'd be really fucking weird."

"....Yeah, guess so, huh." Leo muttered, stuffing a couple chips in his mouth, and I had to stop myself from punching him again for real when I heard another little sigh.

Can I Kiss You? (Boy x Boy)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu