Chapter 2

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Leo's POV

I knew he was going to say it. I knew before I even asked.

'It would be really fucking weird.'

Yeah, I knew.

But it still hurt.

We've been friends practically since the day Van was born. Most of the people who knew us referred to us as 'Veo' than by our own names, since we were always together. We are the epitome of best friends. At least, that's how it had always been.

When Van mentioned last Saturday, the memories bubbled up uninvited; like the carbonation from our cokes, unstoppable, irreversible. For a few seconds, all I could feel was my pulse ricocheting around in my chest.

Though, I suppose it wasn't such a big deal for Van. And it shouldn't have been a big deal for me either, but it was. And now I'm trying to pick up broken pieces to hide whatever this was away, so that I won't end up breaking this friendship for good. And if that means putting space between us, fine, I'll be the bad guy.

It all started because of that stupid game.


We were invited to a party at Alex's place last Saturday, and Van went because I wanted to go. It was the kind of party I liked; no drinking, no drugs, no strange people grinding up on other strange people. It was safe, comfortable.

And completely boring for a guy like Van.

God, I swear I was going to strangle someone if Van didn't shut up about how 'boring this is' and how 'I'd rather play basketball', yet every time I told him it was okay to go he stubbornly stayed. Sometimes I really don't understand the way that boy thinks.

Thankfully, when Spin the Bottle started, he calmed down enough to actually participate. I was still 'mentally sane' by that point, but then everything went to pieces after.

The first couple kisses were normal and pretty low-key, mostly girls on guys and a couple girls on girls. Van and I had kissed probably half the girls in the room twice each.

Just when the game was about to get 'boring', and I could tell judging from the way the corner of Van's left eye twitched whenever he was getting antsy, the neck of his bottle rolled to a stop pointing at my knees.

At that precise moment, the thoughts of every single girl in the room went,

'OH MY GOD, THE TWO HOTTEST GUYS ARE GOING TO KISS!!', courtesy of Alex's younger sister screaming it at the top of her lungs, with most of the other girls squealing in unison, all of them frantically pulling out their phones.

I remember just feeling mildly amused, I mean, it was just a kiss.

Van and I had kissed before on dares, sometimes to entertain our friends if we felt like it, and we used to kiss each other all the time when we were kids, though that stopped once we reached third grade. Honestly it wasn't such a big deal.

I remember sighing as I got to my knees, scooting forward to meet Van halfway across the circle, almost snorting when I saw him do the eyebrow wiggle girls apparently found 'hot' but was just stupid to me. He leaned in so close I could feel his breath on my lips.

"Let's get this over with." I had mumbled before moving forward to mash my mouth with his, then immediately pulling back, sharing a sheepish grin with Van as we shuffled back to our place.

At least, that's what should have happened.

Instead, there was a loud chorus of disappointed groans coming from the girls.

Can I Kiss You? (Boy x Boy)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora