Your Info?!

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(HERE IS INFORMATION ABOUT YOU! Appreciate it. Up there is how you look like.)

Name: Rosé Masayume
Birthday: December 4, 1997
Age: 16 (Will be 17 later in the story)

Likes: Internet, her bunny Lisa (See what I did there?), gymnastics, flexibility, fighting and mysterious stuff, annoying people by speaking Korean.

Dislikes: God damn perverts, people who annoys her all the time, people that acts too girly, idiots, FUCKING IMMATURE PEOPLE WHO SAY EWW OR SOMETHING IMMATURE.

Personal: Her parents died in a fire. That's when she found her precious butler Xavier. What she didn't know was he was a demon, but he didn't made a contract with her. After 3 years of being her butler, he finally made a contract with her. Before, she started to cut herself everyday in the shower. She would mark X's on her arms and legs. She stopped cutting herself in her 13th birthday. She secretly supports gay and lesbian couples.

(Peeps I like Black Butler okay?)

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