EP 1 - Summer Break is over.....

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I got woken up by my butler, Xavier. "Lady Rosé, you have school today. For breakfast, we will have chicken fricassee with rice." "Good" I replied. I got up from my bed and went to the bathroom. I already showered the other day so.... I don't think i have to. I grabbed by toothbrush and got my toothpaste. I squeezed out a little and put it back in the holder. I tooth brushed for 2 minutes and went out. I took out my uniform from the closet and wore it. 'Jesus christ...... Ugh I hate these uniforms.' I went out my bedroom and went to the dining room. I saw Stella coming out with tea. I sat down and lay the cloth on my lap. Xavier came out the kitchen with the chicken fricassee. He putted the food in front of me. I grabbed my spoon and fork and started eating. After 15-20 minutes I was finished. So now the only thing left to do is...... Go to high school.... Most horrible thing a teenager has to do.

I went in the limousine and rode to Sakura High, one of the most popular high schools there is. It has the biggest sakura trees ever. Great for studying in my opinion. We soon arrived... 'You can do this Rosé. No going back now.'  Xavier gave me my schedule and bag. I then went inside the school. I soon found my locker. I checked my schedule and saw I will be going to Math class first. I brought my bag with me and went to Math class. As soon as I reached my class the bell rang. It was so loud I thought my ears exploded. I waited outside for the teacher. Once the teacher reached class she saw me. She gave me a sign to follow her. "Okay class. Today we have a new student. Can you please introduce yourself miss?" The teacher said. Everyone was looking at me now. I gulped and said," My name is Rosé Masayume and i'm 16 years old. Please take care of me." "Okay Ms. Masayume. Please sit down next to Koharu. Koharu can you please raise up your hand?" Koharu rose up her hand and I sat down next to her. "Hi." I whispered. She replied,"Hi. My name is Koharu as you know already." I smiled to her. I can't believe I can still fake a smile. I got out my notebook and pencil case.

"Okay class so today we will be introducing our selves. I will start with the first row." "Hello my name is Haruka." Haruka then sat down. "Hi my name is Honey!" I could hear people giggling and sensing people blushing from his cuteness. "Hello my name is Makoto." You could see a girl staring at him with hearts in her eyes 'Looks like she likes him. Oooo~' "My name is Mori." He sat back down. "My name is Ciel....."


"Class dismissed." The teacher said. We all went out and got ready for your next class. You look at your schedule again and saw your next class was gym class 'DOES THIS MEAN DODGE BALL?! Yass i'm joining' I went to the girl's changing room and saw Koharu again. "Hey Koharu!" I said. "Hi Rosé! You're going to gym class too?" "Apparently yes. Do you know what will we be doing for gym class?" "Uhh it will probably be dodgeball or stretches and laps. "Seriously?! I hope we don't do stretches." I changed to my gym clothes and went to the gym with Koharu. While we were walking to gym class I accidentally bumped into someone. I fell and I heard someone say,"I'm sorry." I got up and looked at the person who I bumped to. If I remembered correctly he was in my class. I think his name was Senri? "Sorry too." I replied. "Rosé-chan we have to go! We will be late and scolded by Mr. Grell! Wait what..... Ugh whatever I gotta go to class now. I ran after Koharu and we reached the gym just in time. When I saw our teacher I sweat dropped. 'I knew it was this Grell...' "Hello handsome and beautiful people!" I could feel the whole class shiver. "Today we will be doing dodgeball!" 'Thank god...' "Ayato please pick your team. You know mostly all their names right?" "Of course! Ore-sama knows all of their names of course! Except that girl..." He pointed to me. "Oh sorry i'm new here. My name is Rosé Masayume." "Okay. Nice name." "Thanks for the compliment" I replied.
Picking Teams....

"And...... Koharu." He said. I said bye to Koharu and went to the other team. It seems like Rin Matsuoka is our leader. After a minute we started playing. I grabbed a ball and hit it to Tamaki. "NOOOO MY PRECIOUS LOVE." 'This guy has problems I swear' I thought. I got another ball and tried to hit Ayato but he dodged it. "Tch..." I said. I almost got hit but dodged it. I got a ball and got Mikoto. "*Sigh*It seems i'm out." She said. Now it's only 2 in each group. Ayato and Mori in Ayato's group and me and Rin. I grabbed a ball and threw it to Mori. It got him. Now Ayato is dead meat. He smirked and got a ball. He threw it at me but i dodged it yet again. While he kept throwing balls at me, I told Rin to throw a ball at him. He threw it at Ayato and it got him. "FINALLY!" Rin said. Our team kept cheering and Ayato kept complaining "ORE-SAMA WAS SUPPOSED TO WIN!" "Calm down Ayato-kun! You're making a scene!" "THEY'RE MAKING A SCENE!" Ayato said. Yui sighed.

I went to the changing room with Koharu again and we changed to our uniforms. I saw Yui and said,"Hi Yui! Did you take care of Ayato already?" "Yeah. But he still keeps throwing tantrums." I sighed. She giggled. "Well I guess I have to go to class now. I don't want Mr. Claude scolding me at the first day in school." "Bye Yui! Hope we can hang out or something." She smiled.

(You are now friends with Koharu from Norn9!)

Word count: 1068 words

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 23, 2016 ⏰

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