Chapter 7

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Hi everyone. Hope that you all are liking the book.
I told my mom that I might be late at night as I had to go for a project at my friend's house and I walked out of the house.

I went straight to the park which was just a short walk from my home. I hoped that I wasn't late because I didn't want Emma to wait in the park due to me.

I saw many people walking with their friends doing shopping as t Easter was round the corner.

I reached the park and I was relieved as I saw that Emma wasn't waiting there for me.

I went near a bench and sat down. There had been many children playing in the park but I decided to sit on a bench which was away from them so that me and Emma could have privacy.

I waited for Emma for sometime as I kept on watching the birds taking flight in the beautiful evening sky.

It had been 6.10 when Emma entered the garden. She had been looking here and there, I started waving my hand at her so she could see me.

She looked and me and gave me a smile and came near the bench where I was sitting.

She sat beside me and I said "Hi"

" Hi, I am really sorry for being late. " she said with a childish look on her face.

" It's okay. I had arrived here just a few minutes ago. "

" So, did your parents question you about why you were late?" she asked with a tone of nervousness in her voice.

" My dad had seen us hugging each other outside your shop. "

" I am really sorry. It all happened due to me. What else did he say ?"

" He forbid me to see you again. "

" So why are you here, you could have stayed at home. You know what all your father can do to you. " she was looking really worried now.

" I know him very well but I wanted to see my childhood's best friend again. "

" Mark, you are really an idiot! Why the hell are you risking your life for seeing me? " she was really looking angry at me.

" I thought that my father would not do as he said because deep down in his heart, he loves me. "

" Oh Mark, you are really sweet."

" Thank you. So let's change the topic and talk about something else. "

" Okay "

" So, where do you live right now? "

" I live in the same cake shop which you had visited. There is a big room and a kitchen which is joined to the shop. "

" Oh. Do you have any photos of our childhood? "

" I have loads of them with me. Each and every picture that we had taken over the years. Every photo means a lot to me. There are a lot of good memories attached to them. " she was looking really happy as she talked about our childhood.

" Our childhood was really peaceful . There were no restrictions related to caste. Germany has changed a lot in the recent years. "

" Mark, I miss our childhood a lot. I want to live in a world where we are free. I want to love with my parents. " She was really taken aback by her parents's death.

" I am really sorry for your parents's death but Emma, I fear that we might not be able to live in world in which we are free. '

' Mark , I really don't want to live here. "

" Emma, I know that you really don't want to live in a cruel world like this but neither of us can deny the reality . "

" I know all of it Mark , but I am just fed up of living like a prisoner.My whole life really sucks."

" Emma, I am just the same as you but if you don't want to live for yourself, you should live for your parents. They had worked so hard to bring you up to this level. They even put their lives on the line just so that you remain unharmed. You should not let their sacrifices for you go in vain. "

" Mark I am living each and every day of my life so that my parents can see me from wherever they are and be proud of me. " she said each word looking up at the evening sky, thinking that her parents are up there.

" Emma every person has a purpose for which they live , if a person doesn't have a purpose in life then that person has to live fir the sake of the people who love them. Every person in this world serves a purpose in the universe, some people try to destroy the other person's purpose but some people die while trying to protect the purpose they are living for. Your parents died trying to protect you from this cruel world. You should live each day remembering that there are some people who always care for you, not necessarily that they are alive but they do care fir you. "
Emma was silently crying while listening to what I said.

" Mark, you are really sweet. You are one of the best people I have ever met in my whole life. "

I felt like this was the perfect moment when I should express my feelings to Emma but before I could speak Emma said something which was really unexpected.

" I love you, Mark. "
So that was the seventh chapter. Hope you all liked it.
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And do listen to these awesome songs, both of them are related to this chapter.
Thanks to each and every person who has read this book. Can't believe that the book has crossed 500 views in such a short span of time , I really love you all. Thanks a lot to all my wonderful and supporting readers.


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