a start

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He arrived at her house and ran to the door.
As he got to it he heard a loud thud.
He rushed in and he found Alice on the floor.
It appeared she fell down the stairs and hit her head at the bottom.
James rushed over grabbed her and carried her to the couch.
He sat her down and looked around for Rogers but there was no trace of him there.
So he rushed to the bathroom and found a medical kit.
He brought it with him to stop the bleeding on her head.
After patching her head up he decided to go Pac a bag for her.
When he walked in her room He found Rogers decapitated head on her bed and circles all over the place made by blood.
J:guess this was her price to.
He opened the closest and found a bag and some shirts.
He put some shirts in the bag and then made his way to her dresser and found pants,socks,and panties.
J:man this is uncomfortable.
He finished packing the bag with clothes and went down to the kitchen.
As he searched he didn't find much.
J:isn't there any thing else except alcohol here.
J:oh well she might won't some after all that's happened.
He grabbed a couple bottles and returned to the living room.
She seemed to of been having a dream of sorts.
He left the bag with his next to the couch and went back to her room.
J:make shore that I didn't miss anything.
He got back in there and looked around.
J:that's what I forgot, shoes.
He grabbed the pair he new she wore the most.
As he turned to leave he saw a sledge hammer covered in blood next to the door.
J:she used that to kill him?
He hurried out and down the stairs.
As he got to the bottom and looked at the couch Alice was getting up.
James:thank God your ok.
She jumped and kinda squilled.
Alice:don't do that you scared me.
James:sorry, but hay you need to get ready we're leaving.
James:because we both have killed people and its just a matter of time until someone finds out.
Alice kinda turned wight at what he said.
Alice:so that wasn't just a bad dream?
James:unfortunately no.
Alice touched her head and kinda jerked at the pain.
Alice:what happened to my head?
James:you fell down the stairs.
He handed her the pair of shoes He had just grabbed.
James:come on we don't have much time we need to hurry.
Alice:why we don't even know where to go.
James:actually I do.
Alice:how,and where?
James explained it all to her that Shadow had told him.
Alice:so all of this is because they chose us?
James:yah, and what was your dream about just now?
Alice:it was a person named zero who said she was also me.
James:that's your dark God.
James:yah she dead now but we aren't so come on we let's go.
James handed her the bag.
Alice:what's this?
James:a bag with your clothes and some alcohol.
Alice:why that?
James:for the pain if it gets bad.
Alice kinda nodded her head in agreement of the idea.
They both bolted out of the door and down the street to start on their way to the forest.

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