At school period

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Ok so school period is the worst part of it besides swimming period. Ok so here goes another 20 why you hate, When you are on your period

1-You have to go to the restroom every hour

2-You ask your friends "do i have something on my butt"

3- You bring a purse to cover your butt

4-When you run out of pads/tampons 

5-you ask all your friends 'Do you have a pad/tampons

6-Have to go to the nurse to ask for one

7-You have to change in gym 

8-You smell so bad and people point it out 

9-You eat almost the whole cafeteria 

10-Your friends notice it 

11-you look at your chair when you stand up 

12-you walk like a penguin 

13-You touch your butt

14-Having the thought "I should of stayed home today"

15-Talking back and stealing your friends meals 

16-Talking to your friends about it 

17-worrying it might stain your pants

18-wearing white jeans or any light color pants 

19-wearing all dark colors 

20-To lazy to do things and miss the whole point of the class 

Ok so there we go 20 reasons why we hate our periods at school hope you like it don't forget to comment if you have anymore 

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