
15 5 5

A/N This was inspired by a writing prompt of "if you could talk to anyone for an hour, who would it be and what would you say?" 

I would talk to the boy I broke.

The boy who took all that I threw at him and still smiled.

I would sit down next to him and maybe hold his hand.

I would explain that I was sorry and that if he still hated me I'd be okay with that.

I would pour out my hurts, my regrets, my swirling guilt.

I'd tell him about how I'm a writer now, how I quit piano, how I moved into a new house,

I would gently trace his dimples.

I would stare into his eyes until I had memorized every changing shade.

After the hour was up, I think I wouldn't want to leave a parting kiss, I think I would give hug to press our broken pieces back together.

And hopefully, he would still care enough to brush away my tears

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