Sample 3

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I was brushing my long brown hair when I heard a loud 'TAP' on my window. It startled me, but I decided to ignore it (it could just be raining). Then there it was again, and this time it was obviously not raining. I walked over to the window seat where the noise was coming from and opened the antique window. I was almost pelted with a stone to my face before I heard, "Oops, sorry. I didn't know you were at the window yet," in a timid, yet courageous voice.

I looked down to see him. He was dressed in a cloak of invisibility and I wouldn't have noticed him if he had not told me how. "Ah, now I talk to air, and it speaks back to me." I tease, smiling directly at him. I have always wished I could charm him as easily as he does me, but I never made it past the fun of teasing for little other than using magic for convenience (even when it was not needed). Although, if my father knew he was here, he would be full of led by now. And I would be locked away in a tower. 

When he took off his invisibility, I saw his handsome face. He stared up at me, his eyes so full of love I was almost taken aback. I have always wondered if I was worthy of that much love, or if I could ever hope to return it. 

"Yes, you talk to air because you are so kind and considerate and compassionate to see that even air gets lonely sometimes," he says with a sweet silly grin stretching across his face. "I'm just glad you chose this piece of air to grace with your voice."

I blush even though I try not to show how his words flatter me. It has become a problem since whenever someone mentions his name, my face lights up like the Fourth of July.

We begin to talk the night away until I heard my mother call, "Rosanna, who are you talking to?"

"No one, Mom. Just thinking out loud." I lie for Derek's sake.

"Okay, well could you think a little quieter, honey. Your father is trying to get some sleep. You know how he needs to get up early tomorrow-" She starts to babble.

"Yes, I know. I'll go to bed now. Good night!" I cut her off otherwise she would become Dad's problem, not me.

"Good night, sweetheart!" She calls then goes quiet. I turn back to Derek and tell him what had happened and that he should go home now. It would be safer for the both of us.

"Well, I guess this is goodbye until you decide to talk to this lonely piece of air again." He said putting his invisibility back on.

I hardly saw him as he put his fingers to his lips to blow me a kiss good night. When he blew a peculiar shimmer happened in his cloak of invisibility, and I knew he had infused it with magic. I leaned out of the window to catch it with my lips. I tasted what I knew was only a portion of his love for me with a promise for even more when we could finally be together. 

I gently blew my own kiss to him, wishing that I could infuse it with the same magic love that he had his, but I knew there was no reason to even try right now. He was cruel and let me dwell on only that little blown kiss for a week before he visited again. It was even sadder that he did not come to see me, but my father. He wasn't schooling this time, though. 

A month later, we were man and wife.

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