A Girl With A Gift

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It started with once upon a time. The words that when ever seen at the beginning of a story they always ensure happiness at the end. Also when the you see the words the end at the end of a story it is where it ends, but this story is a little different. Once upon a time is where it ends, and the end is where is begins. Once upon a time there was a girl who was born a little different than the other people in her town. She had a special gift. She could, with one wave of her hand over you, give you the strength and power to over come any abusefull situation, any tough times, and anything that upsets you. The catch is she can only help children, because they have the purest of intentions, and are born with a pure heart, unfitted with intentions of bad and are only destine for good. She was given her gift to help the children who were robbed of that pureness and weighted down with the hardships that they should not be weighted down with. People started to figure out about her gift and how she was helping the children. So they decided to kill her and get rid of her and her gift for ever. However, by them doing that, they set her free of her human body and she went up to the heavens. She and the children who she could not save went back down to earth, and became their guardian Angels and helped the children and gave them and more children then she ever could ever imagiane and she ever thought possible, hope. Sometimes, when you see the end in a story it can be just the beginning. The End.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 28, 2017 ⏰

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