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She has been gone for 1 month , nick released the news that she died . I miss her touch, her kiss ,Her curly puffy hair, that looks like mine . But , she's different now . She's gone . Alone . The sound of nothing , is worse than having 1 million voices . Alo ,he would make me happier. *calls Alo*   , no answer . "Fuck you then, Alo " , i left as a voicemail. i slice the first letters on my fore arm . The slices create the name  Grace. I lay on the floor and slice my hair with my blade . I laid on the floor , my arm covered in blood .  Frankie comes in . "Get up RICH! " i ignore her. "Fucking get up !". "YOUR FUCKING DEAD FRANKIE ! JUST LIKE HER !" I screamed . Frankie replies " clean your blood up now you peice of SHIT!" she leaves the room . I clean the  blood up and covered my wound  by wearing thick black leather jacket . Matty slides the door  pattio door open and exclaimed " I KNOW WHERE SHE IS !" He said panting . I take my keys and throws  them Matty as i can't drive with a sliced left arm. " thanks frankie," I say closing the door to my house.

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