6 ~ Sal

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Hi! I'm sal, probably the craziest out of these other girlies.

FOLLOW ME! -crazyfangirl1x

I did have an old wattpad but I kind of wanted nobody in real life to follow me so I made a new one. I know #rebel

First things I'm old like really old. I'm 14. I know right!

I love YouTube. Approximately 20 hours I spend on youtube, the other 4 spent eating and thinking about my life.

So I live for JASPAR! But I also ship PHAN & other ships out there.

I love making new friends and I would love to make friends with you so if you're up to dealing with a crazy girl like me then go for it!

I actually met funforlouis on a train in London and it was embarrassing because I didn't realise it was him until he put his vlog up and I realised. Oops.

I'm probably the uncoolest (is that even a word what) out of the other people on this account.

Troye Sivan. I mean yes yes yes!

Also Conor Maynard! 😱 voice of an angel & humour is en pointè. 

I can talk four different languages, all broken of course. What don't judge me. I'm not Einstein or some other dude.

I'm from the uk & no I'm not a posh British.

Tea and crumpets dear?

Kidding OFC.

Btw I typed that and I thought it said kfc so I got hungry.

Lmao. I know. I'm absolutely nuts.

I'm nearly always hyper!!

I live in a very small town and it's pretty cool because all my family live within 2 minutes of my house.

I love reading!

I'm a potterhead. Absolutely Harry Potter trash.

When I'm not on social media, I'm sleeping.

I hardly go outside.

I'm literally a female version of Dan and Phil combined.

I love making people smiling so if you're reading this then please smile!

That's all from me! Don't forget to read everyone else's and have fun following thejasparfanclub on this adventure.

-SAL! <3 BYE.

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