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"You can't just forget the pieeee!!" Dean wined from the front seat of the impala, Sam just rolled his eyes climbing into the passenger seat. Sam had just come back from the gas station with food for the two of them.

"May we go now?" I questioned from the back seat, anxious to leave.

"Hang on Cas" Dean chuckled as he started the car with a tinkle in his eye. He headed towards the high way. We sat in silence despite the music coming from the radio, for an hour or so before Sam spoke up.

"Get this, there are sightings of black eyed children in the town just up ahead." He said pointing to a road sighn that said, Owl Town Next 3 Exits. He had his laptop in his lap, typing a mile a minute.

"Just our thing" Dean sighs taking a hand off the wheel leaving one on.

"You ok Dean?" Sam asks as he shuts his computer.

"Just hoping for some time off that's all" Dean looked away from the moose.

"If you want Cas and I can work on this case ourselves" Sam runs his hand through his glorious moose hair.

"It's ok" Dean said clearly starting to get frustrated.

"Really Dean it's alright" Sam had concern in his voice.

"Goddammit Sam I said it was fine!" Dean raise his voice, and Sam just seemed worried.

"I think you need some pie Dean" I said before flying back to the gas station. As I entered the store a bell rang, startling me. I walked over to the counter and asked the man behind it for the pie.

"Do you have any pie?"

"I think we are out" I was upset, why wouldn't he have pie? I reached over the counter and gripped the mans vest and yelled

"You don't understand!, I need pie!" He shook in fear, then I heard a flutter off wings behind me.

"Hey little brother" I let go of the mans vest and hissed back,

"Gabriel" I turned around a familler angle was now standing in front of me.

"Got yah some pie" he was holding a cherry pie, Dean's favorite.

"Thank you" I grabbed the pie from his hands and flew back to the impala, I was not in the mood to talk with Garbriel.

"God, don't scare me like that!" Dean exclaimed once I was back in the car. Sam laughed out loud at his brother.

"I am not God Dean, I am Castiel" I was puzzled why he always thought I was Father. That made moose laugh harder.

"Stop that Sammy!" Dean had the same twinkle in his eye as before, seeing him in a good mood made me happy so I decided to hand him the pie.

"Thanks Cas" Dean smiled wide and ate a peice of the pie.

"Your welcome Dean" I smiled back, happy to make my squirrel happy.

"Turn here Dean, here!" Sam exclaimed and pointed to the exit, we nearly missed. The squirrel just chuckled as we entered Owl Town. After 10 minutes of searching Dean found the Owl Inn and pulled into the parking lot. We got out and the boys grabbed their bags and trudged up to the inn's lobby. There was a woman on the phone by the front door clearly arguing about dinner choices. Humans are so trouble some, I thought. Sam got our room number and key, room 11. Sam opens the door and let us in, as Dean put his bags on the beds, I sat down on his.

"Where are you going to stay?" Dean asked me once I sat down.

"With you " where els will I be staying?

" don't sleep, and I need my 4 hours."

"I will watch over you Dean" My baby needs to be protected.

"No no no that's creepy" Dean said pointing a finger at me as he sat down.

"Let him stay Dean, it will be fine" Sam says as he unpacks his bag.

"No it's not, he needs to be a big kid and get his own room!"

"Dean, it's Cas though" Sam says as he grabs his laptop, I was puzzled at their conversation, did Dean not know my name?

"Whatever" Dean said as he stuffed his face with pie. I just nodded my head, trying to agree with one of them. Sam sat across Dean at the little table by the window with his laptop.

"Get this, the familys of the children said that they refused to go to church, even though they used to get excited about going" Sam turned the laptop around and showed something to Dean.

"So let's go meet the familys" Dean says as he throughs out the empty pie box into the trash can.

"We can't just go into their house and ask about their children we have to disguise ourselves." Sam rolls his eyes.

"Hey Cas can you get me some more pie?" Dean smiled at me, melting my heart.

"You just had pie" Sam replied for me.

"But pieeeeeeee"

"Dean, you can get the pie yourself this time" I said trying not to let him see my admiration for him.

"Cas" Dean stared at me, hard. I just stared back memorizing every line and detail in his face, and his jawline. Oh he has the sharpest jawline I have ever seen. My eyes traveled up his face till we meet eye to eye. Dean's beautiful brown eyes caught my attention, deep and full of years and years of pain. I longed to hold him in my arms and feel his warmth, to hug all his pain away. For an instant I thought I saw the same caring look I gave him.

"Dean...?" Moose asked as he waved his hand in front of Dean's face.

"What?" Dean asked as he looked away.

"Let's go get some pie, Cas you stay here we will be back." I nodded my head happy to stay. Sam and Dean grabbed their coats and wallets before Dean said,

"You going to be alright Cas?"

"I am alright" I replied hoping for them to come back soon.

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