Prologue- Part Two

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Chris POV
(That very same morning *tardis sounds*)
So let's get it out of the way that I'm gay AF. It's currently 2 AM in the morning and I am panicking about this. Today is Monday and it's time for another joyous day at hell, Ehhehhem. I mean school. Well same difference but still. I'm panicking about this because I just realized this and I have the most homophobic parents and friends in the world. Almost everyone I know is extremely homophobic. Well except Adam and his group. I have a problem because I have a crush on Adam and he thinks I hate him. Oh and I need to clarify that when we find our soulmate our chests GLOW. DO YOU SEE MY PROBLEM?! I THINK I'VE FOUND MY SOULMATE AND HE HATES ME SO WHEN OUR CHESTS GLOW IT'S GONNA BE A PROBLEM. So here I am at 2- Oh wait no it's 3 AM now- In the morning worrying about how this is going to play out. Of course I could tell him but the chances of that ending up badly are sky high. I could just never tell him and either die alone or my chest lights up like the fucking sun and I get screwed over. Wonderful it's 4 AM now. I thought before I rolled over and fell asleep.

I slapped the bedside table, searching for my phone. Yes I was a closeted Supernatural fan, sue me. Hey I'm also closeted in general. I rolled off my bed in my neon pink boxers and towards my closet, yes ladies and gents and non binary people of any kind, I rolled. I got up off the ground and opened the closet picking out some shit jersey and skinny jeans. "Nice to see you're up at a decent time today Chris." My dad said once I got downstairs, "Yeah well it wasn't intentional." I said with a pained look on my face. "Oh honey you really must look at things from a different perspective! And did you remember to pray last night?" My eyes widened, I had the type of parents who made you actually pray before sleeping. Part of the reason I knew my parents wouldn't react well to the fact that I'm gay is because they are crazy religious. As a family we go to church every sunday like normal people, but my parents go every other night. We have jesus in every room, I have found that I myself am an atheist but the day I tell my parents among other things, is the day I'm on my deathbed. "Oh yeah totally mom." I said with a smile, did I mention I had become a somewhat compulsive liar. I didn't? Oh well yeah.

As soon as I had gotten on the bus I was flocked with guys from our football (I know how cliche that is you don't have to remind me.) team. "Hey yo, Chris there's a party at my place this friday, make sure to bring a hot one!" Ah yeah that would be my "Best friend". Another reason I can't be gay is because as far as the popularity scale goes I am fairly high up, safe to say I have attended enough parties for a lifetime. The amount of times I've lied about sleeping with a chick is countless. "Yeah totally dude I'll be there!" I said sitting down, continuing to be forced into conversations with everyone on the bus.

When we arrived at school I was still somehow the center of attention. Some of this makes me want to come out so that everyone will be disgusted with me, just so that I'm not the center of attention. I mean come on how much can a guy take. The highlights off my walk inside were the fact that I got to see adam, also the fact that I decided to go to Ollivander for help on... everything. However I did have a reputation to keep up so after I saw Olive walk away I went over to get the daily joust in.

"Oh look it's our friendly neighbor neanderthal, what brings you here today? Or did you just get lost on your way to class, and think 'hey let's go ask Adam!'" Adam said with a sarcastic smile to match his tone of voice. I was getting tired of these daily duels but today might be one of the last. He took a sip of the soda as I struggled to come up with an insult that would make it him fall for me- yes that was sarcasm. His smirk was getting bigger. "Shut it Singer, and let's cut it with the stupid comic book references. Or else." I added, trying to make it look realistic though I think Adam just thought I was stupid, at least the guys at my side couldn't see through my act. "Yeah yeah yeah, or else what. You've been threatening me with that same insult since we were nine." He said, well shit I wasn't prepared to deal with this today. "Or else I might spill about that little business your friend, Olivia was it? Well let's just say I could put her out of business pretty quickly." I felt awful for using the incorrect pronouns and birth name, especially because I was going to them for help later on that day. "Alright fine, Chris. What do you want." He asked looking really pissed. "Oh well my dear friend, first of all I need my homework done, oh and your lunch money." I said smiling, inside I was screaming. Could I be more cliche? "Alright fine, but at least try to call him by the correct pronouns and name. So they/them or he/him, and it's Ollivander or Olive." He said setting his jaw. I pretended to ponder it a bit before continuing, "Alright fine I think I can handle that." I said faking yet another smile as he forked over the money and as I handed him my homework. "That better be done before practice is over or else!" I called over my shoulder probably looking like an idiot as I sauntered away my "friends" snickering as they walked behind me.

Finally after lunch I caught up with Ollivander... Well rather I yanked him into a corner...

Ollivander POV

I was walking down the hall with my girlfriend Amanda "Ok bye boo, I gotta go!" She said running ahead to her next class, she had an extremely full schedule being the head of the GSA of our school. I was Vice President so I had a bit for free time. As I was walking down the hall I felt a hand grab my arm and yank me into the- Well I didn't know where we were. "Hi." "Hi?" "Sorry I should probably get a light." Suddenly the room lit up with a white light. Standing in front of me was a very embarrassed looking Chris Samuel... What. "Ok I know I'm pansexual and that but buddy I have standards." I said putting a sympathetic hand on his shoulder. "What? What?" He brushed my hand off his shoulder, "No That's- Ew, no that's not what I pulled you in here for." He said. "Well then you better start explaining what the fuck I'm doing in a janitor's closet when I'm supposed to be in math?" "Okay so basically I'm gay and I have a really big crush on Adam, and I'm worried that my chest is gonna start glowing in front of him and I'm gonna be in trouble. So can you help?" He asked, looking at me expectantly. I was wheezing with laughter. "What, What's so funny?"   "Oh nothing just the fact that this is golden." I said, "What the fuck how is this golden?! I'm screwed over!"   "Dude ok start from the beginning, when did you figure out you were gay?"   "Last night." He deadpanned, "Well I had been thinking about it for about a week cause recently when I look at Adam, in any situation, I start to feel this feeling in my stomach and at first I thought I was dying but then I googled it and google said I was in love but like that couldn't be true! So I just brushed it off, but then even more recently I started finding myself staring at him for like really long periods of time and thinking his eyes were pretty, his hair was beautiful, etc. etc." He sped through the whole thing like he didn't want to believe it but here it was. "Oh ok yep you definitely have a crush on Chris but like you may not be fully 'Gay' You could be Bi or Pan you know?" I asked, he shook his head, "Ok well Bi means Bisexual and that means that you like both genders." I explained nodding my head to make sure he was following me, "And Pan means Pansexual which means that you like ALL genders including Genderfluid and Agender" I finished gesturing to myself. He nodded his head, "Ok well I think I might Bi because Adam is really the only guy I've really liked, but like I guess that I would be open to anyone? I'm not as close minded as a lot of my family and friends are... That's another thing I need help with, everyone in my family is homophobic to the best of my knowledge and almost all of my friends are." He said with a sigh, "Well I mean except me." I said, "Wait, huh? You actually consider me a friend?", god this kid. "Of course you're coming to me for dating help aren't you?" I asked, "Well I wouldn't call it dating-", "Bottom line is the first step is to come out to your parents. I can come with you if you need moral support and if you need to see what friends are on board with LGBT stuff then you can like kinda mention the fact that marriage is legal for everyone in all fifty states now, see which ones are ok with it and who to stay away from. The people who are ok with it will be the people who you can ask for housing if things go... Well if things go wrong." I adjusted my beanie and got out my phone, along with two candy bars from my bag, "We might be in here a while, Snickers?" He nodded, "Sure thanks." I continued, "Great now what makes you think your family is homophobic?" I asked, "Well basically they're all super religious and whenever something happens on the news that has to do with anything in the lgbt community they either change the channel or make some snide comment about them 'Needing to go to church" He makes quotes in the air when he says this, this poor guy growing up with this kind of influence, no wonder he was a bully. "Ok well that kinda jacks the chances of you getting kicked out and disowned higher... You should definitely mention the fact that Bisexual means both..." He rubbed his face with his hands, I hated to be the one to tell him this but I was trying to rip it off like a bandaid I was also flying blind here with this info. "Wonderful." He said sarcastically, "But as far as the whole chest glowing thing maybe just try to stay as far away from Adam as possible during the next few days." I told him, his eyes widened "Well shit that might be a bit of a problem considering this morning I told him I wanted my homework done by tonight otherwise I would shut down your black market thing." I sighed at the information, why was he such an idiot. "Bloody idiot," I mumbled, "You know what let's just focus on you coming out to your parents." We worked on a plan for a couple situations, we decided that this evening would be the best time since we would have to wait a week before his parents had an opening again.

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⏰ Última atualização: Aug 26, 2016 ⏰

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