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POV Kian

    I stood at the metal gates to Emily's guarded mansion and clutched tightly onto the roses I had gotten her.

"Oh my god, Kian!!", she screamed as she ran out of her house and open the metal gate.

I opened my arms and dropped the flowers as she rammed into me. We squeezed each other and didn't let go until her Dad came outside to see me.

"Lawley! Can't wait to have you on my team again!", Mr.Dawson smiled and clapped his hands together harshly.

All her Dad had to talk about with me was joining the football team. That's too risky with getting exposed to the school and town about the Lawley's grand secret.

"Ah yes Mr.Dawson, yet again lacrosse has gotten me", my mouth turned dry as I smelt a dab of blood drip down Emily's ankle.

I spun myself around and took a deep breath. My eyes lit a reddish color as I tried to regain focus on Mr.Dawson instead of the dripping blood hitting the sidewalk. My teeth sharpened and I tapped my left foot.

"Excuse me! Wow! I'm bleeding! Be right back!", Emily scurried away to grab a band aid and I was able to regain my full attention onto her stern Dad.

I gulped and calmed my senses. Still I was craving a small dab of blood onto my quenched tongue, but that wasn't to happen.

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