Chapter 20

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Alice's POV

This is the day I've been waiting for.

When I woke up this morning I flew up from my bed and got ready in a minute. I ate my breakfast super fast and before I knew it we all were on our way to the arena. I'm so excited and I just want it to be evening now so I can do this for real!

“We're here, let's kick this day off!” Zayn was in a real good mood.

“Can you guys believe that this is our third tour, and second world tour?! It's sick!” Liam was drifting away on his own clouds, he was so cute! It wasn't like he was talking to us, more to himself.

“And, we got the fans to thank for that!” Louis added with a big smile.

We were walking in through the doors and directly to the stage area. Where the boys was starting right away. Since we'll be here all day I had a few things with me in a bag that I dropped of in a dressing room so I could fix myself up a little bit too, I don't want to look like something the cat dragged in. The speakers was turned on and the boys started singing a slow version of Best Song Ever, which I've never heard before, and it was also without music, where is the band? Actually I haven't even met the band yet even though we were here yesterday. I were deeply in to my own thoughts when I suddenly bumped in to someone.

“Oh I'm sorry I didn't see you!” The guy turned around and smiled at me.

“It's okay, it's only a little scratch.” He said and gave me a wink, afterwards he held out his hand to shake mine. “I'm Josh by the way, the drummer. You're the photographer, right?”

“Yeah you're right, I'm Alice.” He is really good looking!

“I guess I'll be seeing you a lot around here with a camera in your hand?”

“Probably, so you gotta look out, and always be ready for the camera.”

A few minutes later he was up on stage killing the drums to the songs from Midnight Memories, and it sounded so good! I brought my camera to a spot near the stage and started capturing their moves and facial expressions. This night will be fun!

“Whoa, I'm so thirsty!” Harry jumped off of the stage and walked over to me. I was starting to get nervous, though, it wasn't me he walked over to. A table filled with water bottles and snacks for everyone stood behind me. He reached out his hand for the bottle who stood just a few centimetres away from me. I was spectating every move he did, and in my head everything went so slowly. His lightly sun kissed skin was shining because of him being warm and a bit sweaty. The muscles was slightly showing when he grabbed the bottle and brought it to his mouth. I looked up at his face and met his eyes. He was looking right at me while he drank it all up and before he finished it he winked and gave me a sneaky smile. What's up with him? What's up with me? He threw the empty bottle to Niall who just got off the stage, and started walking towards the dressing rooms, but before he turned his head the way he walked, he looked at me once again with a strange facial expression. It was a smirk mixed with something else.

“So how's it going with the photos? Got something good?” Niall walked over to me and pointed at the camera on my shoulder. He, just as Harry, was warm and sweaty.

“I don't know, I hope so! But since it just was rehearsal now, it's not that cool with light and stuff like that.”

“Can I see?” I nodded and I started showing him some of the photos while he was drinking like a maniac. After a hundred photos and a couple of more sweaty boys being thirsty, it was time to eat and later get ready for tonights show!

When I walked in to the kitchen with Niall and Louis they led me to the buffet table which was over filled with delicious food. Lucky me! We grabbed plates and stuffed them, and to my surprise they had meatballs! Apparently I won't have to worry about me being a little bit picky with food since a bit of Sweden is with me. I turned around and walked over to the boys and the band, I took a seat beside Niall who was deep into food, he was long before the others.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 18, 2013 ⏰

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