chapter 9

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Justin looks sad so I go and give him  a hug.He whispered into my ear..

Justin:Why are you hugging me 

SM: You are sad, aren't you 

Justin; No 

SM: Why not 

Justin: She always does this

SM:Sit down and tell me the whole story.

He went on saying about selena goes on saying  I'm your girlfriend I'm the only girl you should hang out with.                                                                                                                                                         

justin.URRGH she make's me so mad.

SM: But you still love her right

He shrugged

I looked shooked

SM: Dont be so nasty. She just scared you will break up with her for someone else.

Justin: How could i break up with her have you seen her in a bikini.

I shrug

Justin : I just want to forget about this.Were here to support  Harry.What the doctor say about your girl friend. 

 Harry ;She said she OK her heart is beating fine.

Justin: You know who should be here?

SM: Who 

Justin:Her mom and dad.

They both look at me.

Harry: Were are they??

SM; Jordens parents are archeologist in peru.So they have been gone for a while.

Justin: Then who does she live with ??

SM: She lives with her aunt.

Harry: Then why isn't here aunt here ??

SM: Her aunt died two years ago so she lives by herself.


SM: NO . Her parent send money and pay he rent no problem and she wouldn't of told you because she was embarassed.

SM: I couldnt blame her it is pretty lonley ,thats way I try to be with her all the time.

Harry sighs and looks terrible. He smells I dont think he slept I dont know how I slept my best friend is in hospital I a horrible friend stupid paparazzi.

I take out a cupcake and place on in harry's hand here have I one dont think you have eaten. He smile and takes a bite of the cupcake.Justin pulls me back and pouts.

Justin : What have you forgotten about me. 

He says that with puppy dog eyes.


I smile and get up to get him a cupcake.I get him the one with the cookie monster on it .The cookie monster had a cookie in his mouth.

I hand it to justin.

SM: Here I deisghed it to look like you . He smiled then took the cookie out of the cookie monsters mouth and stuffed in in my mouth.

I smile with the cookie in my mouth and started chewing it .

The boys run into the room with Alex.

SM: Hey where have you guys been.

Ryan:It's all justin's fault.

Justin: Whats all my fault 

He says that with his mouth cover in icing.

I laugh the hand him a napkin.

Chaz : You just had to fight with selena

Justin : Yeah so we had a fight 

I was very confussed.Alex came and sat beside me he pushed justin to the side a little I could see justin was mad.But he didn't make a huge fuss

chad: Any time justin fight with selena,selena always comes to us.

Ryan : And these are the three main things she goes on about.

Chaz: Is there something wrong with me 

I nod 

Alex hits my leg playfully 

Chad: The next thing she says there another girl in his life 

I nod again. Harry hits me playfully 

Ryan; And the last thing that finally ends it is ........Should i get a boob job

I dont do anything Justin hits me in the leg playfully.

Chad: But this time she spent on hour on each topic until.........Alex came to justins place to come see if we needed a ride and he got us out of there ,

I wanted to know what alex really came there to do. He would never ask Justin do you need a ride to the hospital.

Ryan; I am worn out 

SM; Do you want a cupcake 

Ryan: You know just what to say .

I smiled and stod up and gave the each a cupcake.

I go back and sit down but this time beside justin. He  wrapped his arm around me.

It was about  4.00pm and I was starving.

SM: Does any one want to go out to eat

Everyone: I'm in 

The boys go in the car with Alex. 

I go in the car with justin and harry.

Justin: Ok were do you wanna go 

SM: Mc Donalds. 

Justin: ok here we go.

Alex follows justins car behide. I flip through twitter.T.M.Z.There were pictures of me every where but there where more of jorden.It said every thing about the car crash . Its none of there business .The world is so caught up in other peoples lifes . Other then paying more attention to there own. I was so mad .


I'm not saying anything bad about gossip or any people who gossip.

My instagram name @destiny_your_buddy .

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