Chapter 9: Rejected

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{~song for chapter: Talk Me Down-Troye Sivan~}
Braelynn's POV:
~the next day~
I hear taps on my window
My eyes open wide
I almost go blind from my curtains being opened
Letting the sun from outside to come in my room
I opened the window
I look out & I feel the cool fall air
I smile & I sigh
I hear
"Look down gorgeous"
I look down to see Nate standing at the floor
I wanted to talk to him..about us...
I mean I can't contain these feelings I have for him..
It's really scary tho..
I never felt like this before..
I fix my long sleeved sleeping shirt & I slip on fuzzy slippers
I walk downstairs
Before I open the door
I mentally prepare myself
"You can do this Lynn just relax & act natural."
I repeat over & over again
I twist the door knob
I unlock it & open it
Nate runs his hand through his shaggy hair
"Um..hi." I say looking at the floor
"I know you should be getting ready for work-"
"It's 11:00am" I say giggling a little
"oh my bad. Well I wanted to talk to you."
"I wanted to talk to you too Nate."
We walk to the living room
"Listen Lynn I love what we got." He says
I nod
"Me too." I say
"I'm in love." He blurts out
"With me?" I ask
He stays quiet
"Wait..there's someone else you're that it?" I ask getting a little mad
"I was gonna tell you-"
"We started dating recently." He says
"Who is it anyway?"
"Lola." He mumbles
"I'm not scaring you guys anymore." I say bluntly
"Oh cmon Lynn don't get mad..I thought you wanted wanted that I stood my distance so I am..-"
"Because you have a girlfriend now..while your still flirting with me!?" I say
He sighs
"Leave Nate."
"I'll be late for work-"
"You said its-"
"OUT!" I yell as tears form in my eyes
He nods & walks out
I throw myself on the couch & I curl up into a ball & start brawling..
Why I am like this?
I'm never like this
I'm the girl the guys call
"The girl with no feelings"
I'm crying my heart out over a boy who is taken
I mentally slap myself in the face
That's what I get for catching feelings..for someone I just started knowing..a month ago
{~I wanna sleep next to you..but that's all}

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