Chapter 6

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After I talked, he left the room in a mood, slamming the door and making me jump. I didn't see him for two days after that. I was stuck in my room that was now locked from the outside, only seeing anyone when his henchman would come in to give me my food and water. I tried to make conversation with them but they were either mutes or assholes. Possibly both.

All I did all day was watch TV, mainly 'My So Called Life'. I am in love with Jordan Catalano by the way. The first couple of days, my being missing was reported, but no one seemed to care much after that. It wasn't until that second day after my conversation with the Joker did I turn the news on and was shocked. Pictures of some of my family were being displayed on the screen, like their passport photos. I turned the volume on and stared at the screen in shock.

"The bodies of Sharon, Nathaniel, Paige, Ethan, Flynn, Adam, Esther, Imogen and Bethany Wayne have all been found, mutilated from the head down and shot various times. They were found in the Ace Warehouse in downtown Gotham after an anonymous tip was given over the phone to the police. All their corpses were found hanging from ropes in a line with the words 'HAHA' tattooed into all their foreheads. Police officials say that they have a feeling they Know who this could be who's committed these gruesome crimes.

The screen cut to Commissioner Gordon, standing in front of Gotham Police Station.

"We believe that the mob criminal, known as the Joker, is responsible for the deaths of the 9 Wayne deaths. We do not know the intentions behind his actions. He kidnapped Bonnie Denton, only a few days ago, a relative of the Wayne's, so he is targeting the family, for what purpose we do not know."

"Do we know what happened to Bonnie?" A reporter chimed in from behind the screen.

"We do not know what he has done with her, whether she is alive or not, whether she has gone through other... things. All we know is that we are doing our best to look for her, and we will continue until we find her and bring the Joker into custody for her abduction, and these homicides."

I turned the TV off in shock. He killed them. All of the people who I had mentioned, who had hidden my bruises and scars so no one would notice, who had given me those bruises and scars. He has killed them.

I sat on the bed and waited. I was waiting for someone to open the door to give me my dinner, and when they did open the door I would be ready. I had taken the sheets off of my duvet, and put all the heavy objects I could find in the room in it. Like perfume bottles and hairbrushes. I tied the sheet up so I had a big ball of heavy objects that I could swing around like a hammer thrower.

I heard footsteps down the hallway and the lock on the door being turned, and so I jumped off the bed and got into positions, while the door creaked open. One of the men that I hadn't seen before came in looking down at the tray of food, concentrating on not spilling whatever was on the plate. I threw the sheets behind me and then whacked it to the side, above my head. It hit him square on in the temple and he instantly fell. Well, shit. It worked.

I ran out of the room with my makeshift weapon behind me. It was incredible hard to not stare at all the lavish decorations. I was officially lost so I just ran wherever there was a hallway, however, I took the completely wrong turn and was suddenly in front of the Joker and some of his goons in some sort of living room. They reacted quickly to me by coming at me from either side, trying to restrain me, but they didn't realise I had protection and so I began swinging it around, hitting random people and hearing grunts. This was actually fun. A lot of them fell to the floor in pain and tried getting back up, but before that could happen I was grabbed from behind with a hand clamped around my mouth. I was dragged down the hallways, struggling and trying to break free, screaming and even licking my captors hand like a child, but that didn't even seem to bother him.

I was tossed onto my bed after we made our way to my room and was met with the slightly amused eyes of the Joker, who looked up and down at me, biting his lip. He still looked slightly angry, but it looked like he was doing it more to scare me rather than because he actually was mad.

"I told you little bunny, naughty girls get punished."

I was screwed.




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