Chapter 1

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I don't know what the dreams mean. All I know is that he is the best man I have ever seen. He is handsome and seems to care about me. I hate waking up from the dream. I feel this deep connection to him, but I have no idea who he is, but I do know he is the man of my dreams.


"Sylvia, wake up we are going to be late for school!" I woke up to Rachael shaking me. Rachael is my twin sister. I love her, but sometimes I just want to throw fire at her. Yes, I did just say I wanted to throw fire at her. You see I have these magical powers. I come from a long line of magic. My mother is on Opal. That means she can move things with her mind. My father's powers are a little more dynamic. He was an Everbound. Everbound's can control the element of Earth. Everyone on my father's side can control some type of element. Well almost everyone. I can control not just one, but every element there is. I used to be able to only control fire and air. Rachael could control earth and water. We were the most powerful people in our family. Then, somehow I got her powers on our 16th birthday. Rachael has hated me ever since. I don't even know how it happened. Then, only a few hours later my father was killed. Everything happened so fast. He had run after some shadowed figure. I followed them into the woods. I saw the shadow figure plunge an arrow into his heart. It was so terrible, and I had run home immediately. My mother told me it was the king who killed him. Then, my boyfriend Tommy ran in saying that someone was after him. My mother had sent me to my room. I never saw Tommy again. Finally, we ended up coming here to Brooksen. It has been a year since then.

"Happy Birthday Rachael, how are you this morning." I said with a hint of sarcasm in my voice.

"Fine now hurry up." Rachael ran out of the room. She was wearing a black mini skirt that, in my opinion, was way too short. It barley reached the middle of her thighs. She wore an aqua tank top with it. Her black hair was pulled up into a tight bun, and she had an aqua flower pin clipped into it. She looked beautiful, but then again she always does.

I got up, and jumped into the shower. Rachael and I both have hair down to our waists. My hair is black just like Rachael, but I have blue streaks in mine. My eyes are also a slightly darker blue, and we both have the same skin tone. Our personalities are completely different, however. I love to practice my magic and anything that has to do with the arts. Rachael never cared about magic and she just likes to have fun. Her definition of fun is making our mom go crazy and getting in trouble at school. She is convinced that mom likes me better so she has stopped trying to be the good daughter.

I got out of the shower and walked to my makeup counter. I am very grateful to have my own bathroom. Rachael and I had to share almost everything back home. You see we are from an old magical community in England. The community is kept hidden by a force field provided by the royal family. Anyone who gets near it will only see a big scary forest. Only magical creatures can come into the community. My family lived in a small home with only 2 bedrooms and baths. Rachael and I shared everything. Rachael took up most of the space, but it was ok with me. I didn't have that much stuff back then.

I put on some mascara and eyeliner, and then I put my hair into a ponytail. I went to my closet, and put on a pair of jeans. I stood there for a minute trying to decide on a shirt. I usually wear T-shirts, but today I feel like dressing up a little bit. I put on a purple silk button up blouse, and put on a pair of cute sandals.

"Syl if you don't hurry up you're going to be late." My mother called up the stairs.

"I'm coming mom." I ran down the stairs, and headed towards the kitchen. The smell of French toast hit me, and I took a deep breath. I love French toast. My mother is a chef at one of the local restaurants. She is one of the best chefs in town. Alyssa Ryan never worries about people not liking her food. It is so good she could make a vegetarian eat a 10 oz. steak.

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