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((Italics= Henry's subconscious))

It's a sin, Henry's subconscious reminded him.

Sin is a big word, I just like her, Henry snapped back.

Henry was tired of these mental arguments.

Henry liked his boss's pretend-girlfriend, Henley.

But how luckier could Henry get, his boss, Bennett Calloway, had started to develop feelings for his pretend-girlfriend. For Henry's crush. And as it was pretty evident, Henley too seemed interested in him. 'Just the usual' was how Henry's convinced himself. But he couldn't help falling in love with her. Her adorable smile, her beautiful eyes, her humble nature and every other thing about her, all so captivating that Henry could daydream about her all day. And that's all he could do while Bennett took her on dates. Daydream. Poor Henry, chorused a legion of voices. Henry had no idea who they were.

How absurd, you two cant even have a ship name, his subconscious quipped.

Ship name isn't the most important thing, he snapped back. Again.

It is. Every good couple these days need a ship name to know how many people are pro-them. You definitely need a ship name to let the world know you two are together, to caption Instagram pictures and post Facebook updates.

No. The feelings inside are more important at any moment. You have a ship name or not, you have feelings. A ship name doesn't confirm the relationship, feelings do. Stop coming up with stupid arguments. They make no sense.

Just like your crush on Henley.


Bennett gets her at the end of the day. What do you get?

I get to see her being happy and get what she deserves.

No, you get fired.

I-I get fired?

Yes, you get fired. Fired to love.

Henry felt his hopes shatter, his dreams die and his heart stop. He could get fired...for loving someone? That seemed so atrocious. He couldn't afford to get fired, but neither could he stop loving her. What has his life become? When did he get here? And how to get out of this situation?

Henry sulked in his chair. Henry wanted to retain his job- no, scratch that, he needed to retain this job. Working as Bennett's assistant was hard, but a lot better than being jobless and homeless. It had been a hard time continuously giving interviews and being rejected until he got hired with the Calloways. Not to forget the level of craziness he had to endure the whole day, but still, he loved his job. He had gotten used to all the antics of Mrs. Calloway. He had gotten used to the childishness of Bennett. He hadn't gotten used to the absence of Lee, but he was sure he'd get there too someday. He had gotten used to the threats of getting fired, but never could he dream that something like love might get him actually fired.

Henry was at a crossroad.

Henry had to choose between his job and his love. Henry had to choose between Bennett and Henley.

Either way, you'd lose Henley.

No! How?!

You choose your job, you obviously lose Henley. You choose love, still you lose her because she'll obviously go for Bennett.

I-I'm...I don't know! What's happening? What did I do wrong? I lose everything! I lose everyone! Am I not good enough to be loved?!

Clam down!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 02, 2016 ⏰

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