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    Michael awakens to the sound of footsteps. In one swift movement Michael draws his sword and points it at Gavin’s throat.

    “Where do you you think you are going?” He glares up at his prisoner. Fear filling Gavin’s eyes quickly.

    “Well you don’t lie about your skills” He holds up his bound hands in surrender. Michael grabs the man’s collar, setting him onto the horse. Gavin chokes for a second then coughs as he's released.

    “Four days to live” Gavin sighs as Michael climbs onto the steed.

    The next morning starts the same, Gavin sneaks off and Michael catches him. Gavin the mutters out “Three days to live”. The same happens the next day

    “When will you learn” Michael tskes and plops him on the horse.

    “Two days to live” Gavin says blankly. They ride in silence for at least two hours. Gavin shivers

    “Did you hear that?” He whispers. Michael pulls the reigns till the horse stops, a crack of a branch breaking echoes from behind them. He jumps off.

    “Stay here” he draws his sword and walks silently into the woods. The knight swivels his head from side to side, looking for the follower. Suddenly he’s swarmed by undead soldiers, their swords swinging and Michael swinging back at them.

    “Mogar!!” he hears his name yelled, Michael turns in time to see Gavin jump in front of him and see the undead soldiers sword puncture his shoulder. In a swift movement he veers to the side, pulling the sword out of Gavin and killing the undead solider. Michael turns and catches Gavin.

    “Now i have to save you, idiot” Michael lays him down. Pulling bandage off his leg and pressing it to the mans wound, applying pressure.

    “You saved my life” Michael says slowly, while patching the prisoner up. “Why?”

    “I’m not sure myself, Mogar”



    “Michael, my name is Michael Jones”

    “Micool” Gavin nods to himself. Michael smiles at the way the man says his name. Gavin sits up with Michael’s help.

    “You know, you don’t seem like some one who deceives to die Gavin” Gavin looks at his captivator. Who smiles at him slightly.



    “I think i have found my ally” he looks into his eyes. Michael stares back.

    “Impossible” he spits. Standing and grabing his sword, pulling Gavin up and back onto the horse.

    “One day to live” Gavin says blankly.

    “There it is” Michael points to a castle “Ready to die?”

    “Yes, Micool” he sighs. Michael nods and snaps the reigns. The castle draws nearer and nearer.

    “Sir Michael!” Ray shouts.
                                                                                                                      “Go tell the King i have returned with Gavin Free” Ray nods and runs. Michael climbs off his horse handing the reigns to Geoff.

    “Welcome home, Michael” Geoff hugs him

    “Geoff” he hugs back and pulls Gavin roughly off the steed; dragging him to the thrown room.

    “My Lord” Michael enters the thrown room, Ryan smiles perched on the thrown.

    “So this is Gavin” Ryan sneers, Michael bows slightly to his liege.

    “Yes, My Lord” Michael thrusts Gavin to the floor roughly.

    “Take him to the dungeon, he dies tonight” He waves to his guards. Who then pick Gavin off the floor by his shirt collar. As they leave, Gavin looks back at Michael, Fear, Desperation, and a slight amount of hope in his eyes. Michael turns his head, avoiding eye contact with the man.

    Michael stood at the front, His armor on, and helmet fit onto his head. Gavin had a bag over his head, and was walking up the aisle of knights to the executioning slab. Which was a large stone at the top of a small cliff. A man in black stood waiting for him, Large battle axe in his hand.

    Michael’s mind was racing, something wasn't right. This man had not done a single thing wrong, He did not deserve to die at all. In all sense Michael felt bad, Like he had betrayed Gavin.

    “Now you Gavin Free will be executed for treason”  The bag was ripped off of Gavin’s head. He was shoved down onto his knees head forced onto the slab.

    “ Any last words” Ryan snickers from his perch. All Gavin did was look to Michael, terror and sorrow in his expression. How does he know its me, he can’t possibly know!

    “Proceed” Ryan nods to the executioner.

    “Stop!” Michael yells, stepping out of line.

    “Knight?” Ryan glares, as Michael pulls his helmet off.

    “My lord, this man has nothing to die for. He has not proceed to kill or harm you! He hasn’t even spoken a word since he arrived at the castle! Hell, he even saved my life!”

    “Are you saying i should not kill Gavin Free?” Ryan growls

    “Yes sir”

    “Michael, Get back in line or i’ll have your head for treason as well!”

    “No!” He glares up at the king “This is wrong, Ryan” He stares daggers at the mad king. Michael charges up to the executioning slab and grabs Gavin. Swiftly running off the ledge, everyone gasps as he jumps.

    “Your insane!” Gavin yelps. Michael hits the floor hard, rolling, keeping Gavin tucked into him. He begins running again.

    “Stables, stables, stables”  He sets Gavin down.

    “Wot are you doing?”

    “Running away idiot! We’ve only pissed off the most powerful person in the whole world!” Michael Begins to run again. Gavin comes to a halt.

    “What are you doing!? Their coming!” The sound of steps and yells echoes behind Gavin, and he turns his head and then runs after Michael.

    Michael swings into the stables and onto his steed, Holding his hand out to Gavin. Who clasps it and Michael swings him onto the horse, snapping the reigns “HYA!”

    The Horse rears up and charges out of the stables, across the drawbridge. Arrows wizz past them, Gavin looks back as Ryan glares at them. His scream of rage echoes over the plain.

    “MICHAEL, YOU TRAITOR” He screams “I’LL HAVE YOUR HEAD!” Michael shudders at the words, kicking at the horses sides to speed them up.

To Over Throw A KingWhere stories live. Discover now