PART 1: The Witches' Revenge

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So I decided to have this story written in parts. One part means one new adventure. It's kind of like one episode of the series.
This is where the first story begins. Sorry if this chapter isn't exciting. Also I promise I'll try not to reapet everything from the real Merlin. I'll try to invent new advantures.


The sun was slowly rising over the hills slowly sheding light and warmth on that early Summer morning. The warmth was much appreaciated by the villagers as the valley's they lived in go quite cold over night. However they weren't the only ones appreciating the sun.

On one of the hills that very morning sat a girl leaning on a tree. And as the sunlight poured over her she moved her fingers around as if she wanted to capture it. A smile played on her lips for she knew this would be a day unlike any other. Eagerly she stood up and cleaned out the small camp she had made for the night.

Days had passed since she had begun her journey towards Camelot and without a horse it took longer than anticipated. Luckily all the days of the journey had been warm and sunny.

She grabbed the bag throwing it over her shoulder before she took one last look at the valley. Somewhere far away at a place that she could barely distinguish she had started. At the memory of that a sentence flew into her mind. Don't worry when needed help will come, had been his last words to the girl leaving her to relay on faith.

The top of the hill had a beautiful view of Camelot. Containing everything from the big stone castle to the town surrounding it.

The brunette smiled knowing she only had a small distance left to walk. Happily she walked through the rest of the forest and over a meadow. The walls of the town looking bigger and bigger as she came closer.

She passed the guards at the entrance and the lower town until she came upon the market place, which had all kinds of smells. From lavender to something really stinky to spices.

The street was full of people and noise, which the girl was a bit unaccustumed to but loved. The girl had been told to go to the court physician. Apparently he would be the one to help her fit in.

Suddenly someone bumped into the girl knocking the girl out of her thoughts. The person didn't apologise he just walked away and the girl being the stubborn girl she was couldn't help but react.

"Hey! Watch where you are going," the girl yelled after the man with silky black hair.

The man turned around and settled his light blue eyes on her. Anyone could see he carried himself differently than others. Somehow his posture was straighter. In a way more noble like. His clothes were also made out of different material almost resembling silk, however the girl noticed it wasn't what it appeared to be. His dark hair was combed back althought some disobedient strands of hair fell into his eyes," I should watch it? You were the one standing in the middle of the street."

"Which is exactly why you should have seen me and passed me by," May said putting her hands on her hips angry at the man's rudness no matter what his status might be in Camelot.

"What are you anyway?" he asked looking at May's attire. "A woman dressed as a man."

"That is non of your business," the woman narrowed her eyes at the young man, who just smirked.

"You should first learn how to dress than tell me what is and what is not my business," he said and walked away without another word.

It was evident that he had some money by how well he dressed. But that was no excuse for him to act like that. "Jerk," the girl murmured and continued her way. She needed to find the court physician as fast as possible.

When she came to the castle grounds the bells sounded anouncing trouble at least that was what she was told.

Out of one of the many doors two young women emerged. Both had long red hair, and wore long dresses covered with grey cloakes. Their faces were almost identical except for a scar the first one had. It was quite long taking place from her eye across the cheek to her ear. The two kept running, which confused the brunette.

"STOP THEM!"one of the guards yelled. The women were very fast and quickly reached the enterence of the castle. A group of guards were catching up to them. Then one of the twins yelled something in a language familiar to the girl and threw a man who had just arrived off a horse. The woman with the scar jumped on the horse and extended her hand to help her sister, who was grabbed by one of the guards.

"Go!" The captured one yelled leaving her companion hesitant. In the end the scared one rode off leaving her friend in the hands of their chasers.

The brunette watched as they took the woman away in shock for she hadn't expected this to be the first thing she'd see.

After standing there for what felt like forever the girl shook her head in disbelief and walked to one of the guards.

"I'm searching for the court physician," she explained and listened as the man explained where to find him.

She walked up the stairs and turned left then right like the guard told her to and reached a big wooden door with metal paterns.

The room behind the door was full of shelves and books with a table and two desks.There were cauldrons, pots, flasks and herbs everywhere. However so far it was the most welcoming thing in all of Camelot.

Of course Camelot intrigued the girl, but she still welcomed anything that remotly resembled home.

"Hello? Gaheris?"she looked around the room only to hear shuffling.

"Here," a male voice came from a figure barely visible behind all the large piles of books.

The girl went around the table only to see an older man kneeling on the floor. He was wearing red clothes and had white hair reaching little over his shoulders.

"Can I-" he started while he was trying to get up using the support of books eventhough the large pile of books was not stable enough leaving the elderly man to fall. The books followed not far behind and they would've given him quite the beating if the girl's quick instincts hadn't kicked in.

Her eyes changed to gold stoping the books in midair. The girl lost no time and pulled the man away from harm. Only when he was at a safe distance did the books hit the ground.

With wide eyes the man stood up glancing from the pile of books to the brunette next to him.

"What did you do?" he asked with a quizzical expression.

"It's not what it looks like,"May said trying to cover up her mistake.

"It looks like magic,"the court physician stated.

"Please let me explain,"the girl beged thinking her time in Camelot had come to an end before it even began.

Gaheris silenced her with a cut of his hand,"First off don't worry I won't tell anyone. Afterall you saved me from a painful beating. And second who are you and why did you come to me?"

The girl sighted in relief before smiling,"I'm Merlyn, but you can call me May. Merlin sent me."

"Right. I thought you were coming next week. Ah I probably forgot to keep track of time,"Gaheris explained rubbing his chin.

"Can you help me fit in?" May asked hopefully remembering the harsh remarks from the dark haird boy back in town.

"Of course," the physician said and studied her apperance before waving his hand, "But first we have to get you other clothes."

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