Chapter 2

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I glared at the picture while eating breakfast the next morning. Who the heck was Sam? I smiled to myself, realizing that I had been wondering all night long, and if I didn't put the thing away, I would be watching it until the cows came home. I stood slowly, and carefully laid the picture in the box. I lifted my eyes to my new apartment. I had yet to paint the walls and unpack more boxes. Then my eyes found their way to the clock. Late for the first interview to feed myself and pay for bills. I threw on my jacket and shoes and ran out to my red prius. "Hey! Lucy! It's been awhile! How was college?"

I turned my head towards where I had heard my name. "It was fine. Listen, I'm late to a job interview, can we talk later?"

I saw a look of dissapointment come over his eyes before I heard okay slip out of his mouth. I nodded and stepped into my white leather seat and drove towards the highway. Somehow, the picture had pushed it's way into my mind again. God! He was my next door neighbor until I was thirteen! Why can't I remember him? I shrugged and pulled into my new parking space at a television company known as MGC Studios. My palms were sweaty as I realized how rich this place was. They probably couldn't take in a person like me, a girl who can barely afford to shower. I walked into the room, overhearing the best conversation ever.

"Wicked is a fantastic idea for a movie! The only problem would be finding Elphaba (did I spell it right? Please correct me if I am wrong.)"

"Please! If this girl can act, she would be perfect."

I glanced up to see the producer holding up my picture. Can I act? I knocked on the door. "Um, excuse me?"

The two men pointed their heads in my direction. I noticed a look of recognition fall over ones face. The other stood up and welcomed me into the room. "Ah, Lucy. How are you? Never mind that. Can you act?"

I nodded slowly. My throat was so dry, the sahara would be called an ocean. I looked up as he pulled me over to the table. The room was covered in movie posters and had gold paint. There was an outlook of my hometown in a window. "My name is Brett, and this is my coworker Jay."

His words snapped me out of my thoughts of growing up.

"I'm Lucy, pleasure to be making buisness with you."

He looked at me and laughed. "You've got spark! I like spark! Here, your name is not Lucy it's..." He put his hand in a rainbow formation while saying, "Sparky."

Oh boy, this guy was a nutjob. "So you mean... I got the job?"

He nodded, a giant grin over his face. I glanced over at Jay, he looked nervous. Brett looked at him as well. "Cat got your tongue Jay?"

He looked at me, horrified. I didn't look that bad... He was really hot though. I was drawn to him for some reason. Brett noticed something between us. "I'll go get coffee Sparky and Jay, you two talk about the role."

Jay walked over and sat next to me. I almost melted, he was so hot. The way his brown hair fell over those green eyes. I sighed to myself, silently. "Why are you working here? Of all places."

His voice snapped me out of the trance he had put me in. "What do you mean?"

He glared at me. "You could've gone anywhere, done anything, but you chose here. Why?"

"Is this a job question?"

His brow furrowed and he was frowning. "Why here?"

I felt the coldness in his voice. "I wanted to be in the movie making company since I was fourteen." I replied.

"Good answer," he whispered.

I felt the space between our heads close. I saw his mouth coming towards mine, and I didn't do anything about it. Right when our lips were about to touch, Brett walked back in. We both turned our heads toward the table, making them hit each other. Jay acted as if he were explaining something to me. I bit my lip. So close... and yet so far.

~Author's Note~

Please go check out JCluvsme98's stories! They are amazing!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01, 2012 ⏰

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