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I walk nervously over to the hazel tree, and as I get closer and closer, I see that there are only a few leaves left after autumn. Its amazing how trees can grow back new leaves year after year. They're always different, but almost exactly the same. 

The boy with black hair under the tree gets nearer, until I'm stood two metres away from the trunk of the tree, where he sits leaning against the tree with his legs crossed. I stop and pause for a moment, thinking of what to say, when he turns and look up at me with a small smile.

"Hello, what's your name? I've seen you here before right?" he seems friendly enough.

"Uhh hi, I'm Dan, yeah I think I've seen you here before. What about you, what's your name?"

"I'm Phil. You can sit with me if you want?" I smile down at him and start to crouch down next to him. He snaps his notebook shut quickly, startling me slightly.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you!" he laughs slightly, then looks down at his hands, which he rubs together to keep warm. I sit heavily next to him, using his shoulder to steady myself. The snow crunches below me. 

Then I notice his eyes properly for the first time. They're so blue. Not a striking, bold bright blue, but a soft faded sky blue wth tiny emerald flecks near the centre. At first you don't notice them, but once you do you can't look away. His hair looks soft and shiny, and falls naturally across the top of his face where he keeps sweeping it out of his right eye. He has smooth porcelain skin, almost as pale and perfect as the snow beneath us. I could stare forever...what?!?!?! What just happened?!?!?!

Oh crap he's looking at me expectedly with questioning eyes.

"Uhhhmm, sorry I, ummm, didn't quite catch that..??" I say, and he looks me straight in the eyes and starts giggling. I can feel my cheeks starting to flame. Oh god not now, breathe, breathe. 

"I said whereabouts do you live?" he says, still smirking as though he knew exactly what was going through my head in that previous moment. I so don't want to mess this up, he seems so nice, I wouldn't mind some more friends round here who like to do the same things as me. My friends don't get that I like to be alone at times, maybe Phil will understand what others don't.

We sit for a while, talking about everything, from school, to friends, to family, we even touch on the subject of my girlfriend, Millie. He has an older brother, Martin, who left for university last year. He goes to the all boys school on the other side of town, and studies the same subjects as me at school, geography, maths, english, science, art, drama, french and of course, we are both forced into the atrocity that is PE.

About fifteen minutes later, he checks his watch. 

"Oh my, it's been an hour! I've gotta get home to mum, but I'll see you around!". Okay, so maybe it hasn't been fifteen minutes...

"Wait, Phil can I get your..." he's already too far away for me to hear him, jogging lightly through the snow away from me "..number. I guess not then." I murmur to myself. Ah well, hopefully he'll be back. I guess I'll be spending a lot of time here from now on.

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