May Our Fates Intertwine

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"Yato, how about this one?"
Yato's head snapped up as Hiyori emerged from her bedroom. He sat a little straighter in his seat on the couch, admiring the way she could make any outfit look stylish.
"It looks nice," Yato commented, looking at the pink, frilly outfit she was wearing.
Hiyori twirled around, the frilly dress's skirt furled elegantly as she did so.
"But that's what you say about all of them," She pouted, her cheeks enlarging."Which one is your favourite?"
"How am I supposed to know?! Geez, I hate making decisions like this," Yato protested.
"Just pick one."
"Fine, how about that white one you tried on? It really suits you," Yato finally admitted.
"Really?" Hiyori beamed. "Then I'll wear that one!"
Girls... Yato sighed. They are overly concerned about how they look, aren't they?
Hiyori scampered back to her room, where she slipped on the brown and white dress Yato was partial to. The dress was just over her knees, with a cute bow on its only shoulder strap. Yato's going to love this, Hiyori thought as she applied some mascara for good measure. Finally deciding on a black bow for her hair, she left her room feeling triumphant.
"Is this the dress you fancy?" Hiyori enquired.
Wow.. She looks beautiful.. Yato was speechless, taking the whole sight in. Why have I never noticed how beautiful she really is?
"You look amazing," He breathed.
    He felt relaxed with Hiyori. She had a peculiar trait of making others around her feel better about themselves, no matter how little self esteem they had. Yato wished that he could spend all eternity with her in that moment, both of them together like this.
But that's not possible, is it? A little voice in his head said. She'll be long dead before long... He shook his head, trying to get rid of those awful thoughts.
   "Hiyori, we've got to go," Yato scooped her up, bridal style.
   "Yato! I'm wearing a dress!" Hiyori protested, trying to hold her skirt down as he leaped out the door and into the blue sky.
   "Relax, we'll be at Takamagahara before long," Yato said landing in front of Tenjin's shrine.
    The God of Wisdom was already waiting for them with his several female regalia.
   "Already here, I see," Tenjin remarked, flicking his fan.
  "Come to freeload off our portal, have you?" Mayu, Yato's ex-regalia said irritably.
   "Well, my shrine is far away so I thought we'd come here," Yato grinned.
   "Whatever. Everyone, hold hands so we don't get separated," Tenjin ordered.
   All of Tenjin's pretty regalia grasped hands with one another and Yato. Tenjin himself snatched Hiyori's hand, much to Yato's envy. All of them stepped on the portal behind Tenjin's shrine and were immediately transported to Takamagahara, the home of the gods.
   "Is it me, or has it gotten bigger since last time we visited?" Yato asked.
  "With the seasons, everything changes," Tenjin stated poetically.
"Master-sama is so wise!!" Tenjin's group of giggling regalia chanted in unison.
The group made their way over to a large mansion, where several suited regalia were posted at its large doors.
"Invitations." A buff regalia held out his hand for the invitations gruffly.
Yato fished around in his pocket for the small slip of paper, retrieving it and depositing it into the guard's hand.
"You may pass." The guard inclined his head toward Yato and Hiyori.
The couple walked into a large ballroom. It was already teeming with different guests and their regalia.
"Take my arm.." Hiyori murmured into Yato's ear softly, her breath tickling his hair.
"O-of course," Yato hastily linked his arm around Hiyori's, earning him a blush.
"You're really bad at this, you know," Hiyori chided him with feigned annoyance. "You don't know how to treat a girl."
Heads turned toward them as they walked toward the centre of the room, many of them trained on Hiyori.
"Bwa ha HA HA!"
A startlingly loud feminine voice boomed across the room.
"Yato and HIYORI?! Best laugh of my night!" Bishamon erupted into gasps of laughter as she walked over to them.
"For your information, Yato and I have been dating for months!" Hiyori burst out, grip tightening on Yato's arm. "Isn't that right, Yato dear?"
Yato hesitated and was rewarded with a sharp jab to the ribs.
"Yes. Hiyori darling is my one and only," Yato mustered as much love in his voice as he could.
"Oh, really? Then please do regale us the details of your love life," Bishamon purred, flicking her absurdly long blonde hair.
Oh.. We are so, so,so screwed now.

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