PROM: Getting Ready/Prom Night

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It's the morning of Prom and I feel like I'm preparing to walk the Red Carpet. Right now I'm getting some breakfast because I'll be damned if I starve today, cause I'm gonna be busy.

I have a hair appointment at 11:30, then I have to go get my nails done at 1:00, then I have to go back home and slay my makeup, then I have to be dressed and ready when Lucas comes to pick me up at 7:30. It may not seem like a lot, but when time starts rolling, everything just zooms on by. Speaking of time, I need to hurry up and finish eating so I can start my day.

"Good morning Small Fry. Hope you have a great day even though you prolly gone be busy. Text me back when you get a chance 🍇🍇." he texts causing my phone to ding and light up.

Damn I'm smiling hard as hell right now.

"Thank you LiteBrite. I'll make sure to text you back when I get a chance 😘😘." I text back quickly, getting up from the table and throwing my paper plate and plastic fork in the trash. I grab the keys to my car, my purse, and myself.

After spending most of my day riding around town and nearly running out of gas I'm back home and doing my makeup now. My hair has been slayed and laid and now it's resting under my silk scarf.

My phone starts to ring so I pick it up and put it on speaker. I'm not a great multi-tasker, but I'm gonna be a pro today.

"Hey girly. What you up to?" I hear Serenity ask through the phone. It sounds like she is in her bathroom or something if the sort.

" Girl I'm in my room currently, tryna slay this makeup. Nothin' major. I answer continuing to apply my foundation. It's already 5:52pm, good thing I took a shower when I got home.

"Well I know you probably busy and what not and so am I." she laughs causing me to do the same.
"So imma let you finish slaying honey. Call me back when you done." Serenity continues.

"Okay SeSe, I'll call you back in a little bit." I nearly shout, perfecting my contour and then the call ends.

I do a quick recheck to make sure everything is done.

"Hair, check. Slayed and laid

 Slayed and laid

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Nails, check. Looking extra saucy

 Looking extra saucy

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