Bad Decisions Were Made

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"Bucky, get out of the bathroom!"

"We really need to stop having this problem," Steve commented from his place digging through the closet. He pulled out a shirt, noticed it was Tony's, and put it away again.

"What we need is a bigger bathroom," Tony retorted before going back to pounding on the door. "I have a meeting in a half hour!"

Bucky hollered from inside the bathroom, "Hold on! I have longer hair than you to do deal with."

"Get a haircut!"

Steve sighed after putting a third shirt back in the closet. "What we need is something bigger than a small apartment."

"I'll get a haircut if you shave that muskrat off your face," Bucky offered, opening the door. He was still working on his current task, pulling his black hair back into a short ponytail. He also now had an Iron Man toothbrush sticking out of his mouth.

It had become an inside joke, after the underwear incident, for the three men to buy Captain America and Iron Man memorabilia and use it if it had a purpose or decorate the house with it.

Tony watched Bucky for a moment and when Bucky's face didn't change to indicate any humor, he replied, "Sure."

Steve blinked and stared at the two. "I'm sorry, what now?"

Bucky glanced at the blonde watching him and Tony, then met Tony's eyes and held out a hand. Around his toothbrush, he said, "Deal."

"After my meeting," Tony added. He shook Bucky's hand, then pushed past him into the bathroom.

"Were you two serious?" Steve asked. He pulled another shirt from the closet; it was one of Bucky's tank tops.

Bucky, who had finished putting his hair back, took the toothbrush out of his mouth at set it on the dresser drawer. He walked over and gave his boyfriend a peck on the lips, then replied, "You saw Tony's face. If he's willing to shave his face fur, I'm willing to trim a few inches off my hair. I need it anyway." Taking the black shirt from Steve's hands, he eyed the blonde. "We should have you do something too."

"He should do something risky." Tony emerged from the bathroom buttoning up his white dress shirt. His hair looked quickly done and the smell of cologne drifted off him.

"Risky," Steve repeated, then shook his head. He pulled a blue T-shirt with the Captain American shield on the front, sighed, and pulled it on. As he did so, he muttered more to himself than anything, "What is happening? Why am I dating children?"

Bucky gave him a pat on the butt, earning a glare from the blonde in response. "Don't call me a child."

Tony stared thoughtfully at the shield printed on Steve's shirt while he grabbed a tie and wrapped it around his shoulders. When Steve moved over to tie it for him, he commented, "You should get a tattoo."

"What?" Steve stopped mid-tying and stared at the brunette. "I'm not getting a tattoo!"

"Why? Something small, something that's you. Put it someplace subtle. Like your shield on your butt." Tony grinned.

"An army seal of some sort on your back," Bucky suggested.

Steve turned his stare on the raven-ette. "Don't encourage him!"

Bucky shrugged and adjusted the black tank top he now wore. "I like the idea. It's something you wouldn't normally do."

Tony added with a grin, "I bet you'd look pretty hot with one too." He chuckled when Steve blushed and brought his attention back to his tie by tugging at the half-tied accessory.

"You do realize that what you're suggesting for me to do is way more permanent than what you two are doing, right?" Steve finished tying Tony's tie for him then shuffled away from his partners.

Bucky disappeared into the bathroom to put his toothbrush away. When he returned to the bedroom, he suggested, "We could continue haircuts and shaved faces?"

"Hey, I didn't agree to that part," Tony stated. He grabbed the suit jacket laying on the men's bed and pulled it on. Glancing at his watch, he let out a grumble. "I have to get going. We'll take care of this after I get back. Start picking out a tattoo, Cap. Personally, I really like the ass shield idea." The brunette chuckled and patted Steve on the shoulder, then gave both of his partners a kiss before marching out of the bedroom and then out the front door.

"He's serious," Steve muttered incredulously.

"He's very serious," Bucky agreed with a nod. After watching the blonde stay stuck to his spot next to the closet, he pointed to the open door. "Want a plum?"

"This is a bad idea," Steve repeated as his partners nudged him inside the tattoo shop.

"No kidding," Tony replied, "I'm not sure if Bucky looks better or worse like this."

Bucky stopped pulling Steve to run his fingers through his freshly cut and styled hair. Glancing at Tony's shaved face, he snorted and retorted, "You keep talking over there, naked mole rat face. You looked better before."

"Told you," Tony sang, then added, "At least I can grow some decent facial hair."

Steve continued to grumble and try to escape as the brunette held him while Bucky went to check the appointment Tony had set up earlier.

"This isn't fair," Steve insisted as he was walked over to the chair where the tattoo artist waited.

"We're all doing something we don't like," Tony replied as he and Bucky maneuvered Steve into the chair. "How is that unfair?"

"You shaved your shave and Bucky got a haircut. I'm getting a permanent picture drawn on my body."

"Of Captain America's shield on your shoulder," Steve's black-haired boyfriend clarified for the artist. "Like the one on his T-shirt."

The artist nodded in response and gestured for Steve to remove his shirt, who stared at his boyfriends, hoping for the last minute "Wait, we're just joking!" moment.

There wasn't one.

"How are you doing, Cap?" Tony teased. He comfortingly rubbed Steve's back; the blonde was lying face-down on their living room couch.

The hero's muffled response came: "I hate you both."

"Well, I was still right," commented Tony, "You look great with a tattoo. Or you will after the redness goes away."

"I could get you an ice pack," Bucky offered, who sat on the bed near Steve's head. "It might help."

Steve sighed and sat up, stretching his arm over his chest and tilting his head to look at the brightly colored circular tattoo now decorating his upper arm. "I look weird."

"So do I and so does he," Tony pointed out. He took a place on the bed in front of Steve. "We're all even."

Steve glared in response and Tony exchanged a glance with Bucky.

"Okay," he said, "maybe bad decisions were made."

"Now you say so?"

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