The Russian Winter

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Recap-- Russia turns and starts to whine.

I kneel down and undo the latch on his muzzle. He opens his mouth and starts to lick my face. I smile, laughing slightly. Russia pulls off the bandages on my hand and starts to lick the wound. I look at him, tingles shooting up my arm, as the teeth marks close and the scars fade. He sits back on his haunches, staring at me.

"You guys are mates. Its obvious." Germany says.

              "Mates. What's a mate?" I ask Germany, who's leaning against the wall. He chuckles and Russia starts to lick my face again.

               "Mates are a werewolf thing, it means your meant to be together, meant to love each other." Germany says, with a slight smirk on his face. I glance down at Russia, who is licking his paws. I glance out the window to see the sun starting to rise. As light begins to flood into the room, Russia begins to whine and wiggle.

                  Russia whimpers and slowly turns back into his human form, shirtless. My face turns a bright red at seeing his muscles. I look away, getting up and walking to Germany's car. I open up a backpack getting a shirt, grabbing Russia's scarf in the process. I walk back inside, handing the items to Russia.

                    "Here. I brought these with me, just in case." I say to him. Russia smiles and puts his shirt on and then wraps his scarf around his neck. He glares at Belarus and hugs me. I blush even worse and gently shove him away.

                  "Why did you bite me?" I ask. Russia looks down, a sad look on his face. Tears well up in his eyes and he sniffles.

                   "I was scared. I didn't know what was going on." Russia says quietly. He glances up at me again, then straightens up. Looking down at me, he grabs my face in his cold hands and presses his lips to mine. My eyes widen as a tingling sensation runs through my body. I start to kiss him back and wrap I my arms around his neck. Russia wraps his arms around my waist and holds me close to him.

                His tounge glides over my lips, silently asking for access. I moan softly digging my fingers into Russia's hair as I open my mouth, his tounge pushing in almost instantly. Our tounges do their own dance as his hands run along my sides. The shocks and tingles are growing stronger with each passing moment.

           "HonHonHonHonHonHonHonHon~" I hear France laugh. My face heats up and I pull away. A string of saliva connects the two of us and China breaks it with a single karate chop.

            "Ayah!!! No sex in front of us! Aru!" China yells at me. I put my hands up in silent surrender. I look down to see a slight bulge in my pants. My face heats up even more and I walk into the kitchen to get a water bottle. I chug the bottle, letting the cold liquid run down my throat. I glance down again and walk back into the living room.

              "So what's going on? Why was Mr. Russia the first to shift?" I ask. People start to talk and all I can think about is my hunger. A growl resounds around the room and everyone turns to Russia. I raise my hand laughing slightly.

              "Sorry. That was me. I'm hungry." I explain. As if on cue, the door is blown of its hinges and in races America with bags of hamburgers.

               "Haha! Dudes I totally understand! I bought some burgers bro!!!" America yells at the top of his lungs. England starts yelling at him, something along the lines of, 'you git! Who would want to eat those but you!' I smile, and start to laugh. I slap a hand over my mouth as I laugh, all the other nations watching.

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