❊ contest three ❊

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hey guys! we're here with a brand new, colour and magic filled contest, and we can't wait to see what you can all create for it. this is a lot brighter themed that our previous contests, so check it out!


title - magical girl syndrome

subtitle - n/a (or create your own!)

theme - sparkly, colourful, and full of magic!

colours - pastel or bright, you choose. make sure your cover isn't too dark, though!

characters - any magical girl (or boy) that you love a lot! they can also be a plain anime character, made as if they're deciding whether or not to become a magical girl. (madoka magic, anyone?)

specifics - pick a colour theme and stick with it! blue, yellow, pink - whichever you'd like, and create a cover using mainly that colour.


TO ENTER - please private message us a link to your cover, wherever it is. we are having trouble receiving entries, and would love it if you could do this little step for us! it just makes getting your entries a lot easier!

please tag three people when entering, comment if you'd like to enter, and thanks so much if you're joining! best of luck to everyone :)


we have a raffle running currently for our 100 follower celebration! please check out mayflower for all of the details, but lets just say that you could end up getting some really rad graphics ;)))

delphinium - COVER CONTESTSWhere stories live. Discover now