chapter 2

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2nd period has just ended and it was time for lunch and since  i am a football player i am a sterotype and sit at the jock table. but from my table i have the perfect view of kinas table and i can watch her laugh and have fun with her friends. and for our famous rival like relationship. i get up from my table and walk over to hers and wrap my arms around her torso and snuggle up into her neck she probably thinks that i am doing this to get her mad but l love being this close to her touching her smelling her and hopfully, blissfully, lustfully, soon to be tasting her. i wish i could just tell her how i feel but in this love hate relationship my side is the love and im pretty sure her side is hate. my goal is to change that by stoping my act and being me with her all the time and not my jock personna all the time




OMGG it feel so good having Taylor's arms wrapped around me and his lips so close to my neck is so steamy i wish he wolud just brush his lips past my neck to relieve some of the tension. when i got the energy to pull away i smack his face with some force but not hard enough to hurt his beautifully sculpted face. i am sitting at the lunch table with my 4 best friends Tate(boy) Amber, Kiya, and Tiana. Kiya is the only person who knows how i really feel about Taylor and is giving me the look that i know all to well.


she has been trying to conveince me that taylor feels the same way about me. i think that he is just messing with me and so i put on my own front that i hate the way he harrasses me the way he touches me annoys me in reality i like it 98 percent of the time. the best part is that are room can be seen from each others window so me and Kiya wacth him mostly when he excersizes without a shirt on..........



the ending of lunch has interupted my daydreaming bringing me back to the present where Taylor still has his arms comfortable wrapped around me.               

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