My Sweet-Ass Senpai

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STOP!   why are you reading this? If u are i cant stop you tho. Just a warning i wrote this shit show when i was really fucking high so if you get grossed out just remember.......... YOU CHOSE THIS.                                         Narrator:

It had been Dan and Phil's one-year anniversary and Phil had special plans. Dan however, did not know what to do as Phil was the one person in his life who made him feel special. whenever Dan was sad, Phil would cheer him up by acting all adorable like how other fanfictions and the Phandom would think of him. If he was hungry, Phil would make him his favorite clam cheddar chowder soup and Dan would shower him with multiple kisses afterwards leaving soup stains on Phil's bare neck and lick them off later. If he was bored, well YOU ALL KNOW.

Dan was so confused as Phil had fulfilled every one of his needs. But then it hit him. PHIL LOVED ROMANTIC POEMS! How could he forget how much Phil loved romantic things. So he got to work for the next few hours and FINALLY the poem was finished.

Meanwhile, Phil was in the kitchen working on the romantic dinner and candles he had planned on. However, he was concerned about Dan. He had been in his room all day doing God knows what. What was he up to? Was he planning something? Was it a good thing? A bad thing? Or worse.... what if Dan had forgotten their anniversary? Phil quickly shook the thought out of his head and continued to cook their dinner.

"PHILLY PHIL PHIL PHIL" Dan exclaimed all excitedly like a kid that was about to get a diaper load of candy. "Look at what I wrote for you!" "What is it Daniel?" "Ahem"

(btw NONE of this will rhyme or make sense)

"My dearest Philip, words cannot describe how fluffy and adorable you are like a wet, moist, marshmallow that is floating on top of a hot cocoa. Your skin is as soft as my mum's fur coat that is probably made out of white rabbit fur. Your hair is as silky as the silk road itself. Your tongue feels like a pancake that was soaked in maple syrup. And your lips are as smooth as a baby's bottom. Phil, you are my sweet senpai",

"OH DAN!", Phil exclaimed happily. He ran up to Dan and gave him a big ol hug. "How can I ever repay you?" "Hmmmmmm....... let's go to my room shall we? "OKAY"

So for the rest of the night Dan and Phil ate the dinner that Phil cooked and gave each other sweet-sugary kisses along the way. They watched Dora The Explorer together and then before they went to bed, they told each other every feature they loved about each other. Because that is real love. Then the next day Dan proposed to Phil and 3 years later, they got married and had an ocean-themed wedding. Then a year later Dan got pregnant but then was on the verge of dying but Phil saved his life by being there for him and they named the baby Harambe Howell for it was dedicated to Dan's love of internet memes.

                                                                   THE END     

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23, 2017 ⏰

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