Chapter 1

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So this is an experiment on a different type of ship. I'll do 5 chapters, depending on reviews I'll continue or discard it. I'm gonna only do 3rd person because POV switching is a pain. I can promise 5 chapters, but I can't promise when I'll get them out. Also, I do plan on using slightly more coarse language, but if you guys don't like it or it gets too uncomfortable I'll stop.

The cries of a baby could be heard, Sally is in more pain than ever. But it's all worth it because now she has a son with the most beautiful sea green eyes, and a certain goddess also looked upon that child. Drawn to his eyes, the same color as the ocean she was created from.

"My darling Perseus, how beautiful your eyes are" say both women unknown to each other. Sally was instantly in love with the child, as most mothers were. The child was just like Poseidon, sea green eyes and his little tuft of hair was almost identical in color to his father's. The only difference was that it was slightly lighter due to her own genes resulting is a lighter shade of black hair. Aphrodite also fell in love with the child's eyes. They reminded her of her beginning; a beach, surrounded by water, a strikingly beautiful view.

"Ms. Jackson, you can hold him if you want." Said the doctor, Dr. Peter Johnson, interrupting Sally's thoughts.

"Thank you, Dr. Johnson I would very much like that" Sally said extending her arms out to take her newborn son. As she held him in her arms she felt sadness creep its way into her heart. And one other emotion: fear. She was afraid for her son, she could see through the Mist and was completely aware of Perseus' father's nature. Her son was a demi-god, and due to that fact, she had no doubt that he would go through hardships. She knew she would have to find a mortal with a strong enough mortal scent that it would hide her son's own half-blood scent, she could only hope it was someone with a good heart and character.

Up on Olympus, Aphrodite was doing her own scheming. She instantly fell in love with the child, she had never felt this way before. She was of course known for her many flings and had shared some small feeling of love with each of them. More than she had ever felt with her husband Hephestus. The love she felt for the newly born babe was more than she had ever felt for someone other than her self, definitely more than Ares. She, of course, thought it was simply her being affected by Sally's abundance of love for her son, and assumed it would fade eventually. She went to her palace, tired and ready to sleep. When she reached her personal chambers she was displeased to find Ares there, taking off his clothes. She had forgotten that they chose tonight for one of their 'escapades'. Normally she would've been pleased to find Ares in her chambers already ready, but that day was different and she just wanted to rest. Resolve strong, she told him so.

"Ares leave, I am in no mood today" Aphrodite stated, in a tone leaving nothing up for discussion. She hoped Ares, known for three things: their affairs, his absurd bloodthirst, and his tiny brain, would understand her meaning and leave. She was wrong.

"What do you mean? We agreed on tonight, the first time in a while your cripple husband, my brother, isn't on Olympus. What's wrong. Do we need to reschedule?" Ares tried sounding concerned but she knew he just wanted to get in her pants. She was tired of the lack of sincerity in this relationship. After the love, she had just felt she wouldn't stand for anything less. She knew it was time to break things off. She also knew it was time to get that divorce that Hephestus had always wanted. She had always denied him it due to the jewelry she would have him make her. It was time for her to find true love, and that child was the key.

"No we don't need to reschedule, there is no more schedule. We're over Ares, find some other whore to spread her legs. your access to this pussy has just been recalled. We. Are. Over. Even you have to understand that". He did, and judging by the look on his face, he didn't like it one bit. His eyes took their normal fiery appearance and he started getting closer until he was close enough to feel each others breathing.

"Look here bi-" He didn't get any farther than that, for she had blasted him through the walls and into the streets of Olympus. She was furious, how dare he talk to her like that. She flashed next to him where she noticed a crowd was forming. She smirked she'd make it clear how she felt about him in front of everyone.

"How dare you talk to me like that, do you remember who I am? No? Let me tell you. I'm the daughter of Ouranos. I'm much stronger than you, so if you even feel the desire to go up against me then I suggest you carefully think it through first. There you are Hera" She ranted before noticing said goddess and calling out to her. She would finally gift Hephestus that divorce he had been seeking. "I'm willing to give my approval for that divorce now, you can finally annul mine and your son's marriage. I want true love and he deserves the same".

"Very well then, as the goddess of family, I declare the marriage over. The goddess Aphrodite, daughter of Ouranos and the sea, and Hephestus, son of Zeus and Hera, now no longer have any obligation to each other" Hera decreed. It was finally over, and she was free to do whatever she wanted. She vowed to be loyal and have no natural born children until the boy was of age and she could make him her immortal husband. She was fa=inally free and happier than she had ever been before. Little did she know the boy's life would become a living hell in a few years.

-Back on Earth-

"Do you, Gabe Ugliano, take her, Sally Jackson, in sickness and poverty, to be your lawfully wedded wife, to care for, until death collects her from your arms?" asked the priest.

"I do".

"And do you, Sally Jackson, take this man, Gabe Ugliano, to be your lawfully wedded husband? to support in a time of prosperity or crisis alike? Until the day Azreal come to take him from this world"?

"I do".

"I now pronounce you man and wife, you may now kiss the bride".

Perseus' Hell would soon begin.

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