Doug\Evie\Mal Convo

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M: Hey, how was the date?
D: Um... Good
M: What do you mean by Um... Good?
D: It went better than expected
M: Douglas!!!!!!!!!
E: M, don't worry I'm not hurt
M: Where are you?
E: Uhhh..... The library
M: Really? Cause I'm in the library and I don't see you
E: Okay, sooooo......
M: Evie Queen!!!!
E: Okay okay, I'm in the nurses office
M: What! What! Douglass!!!!!???!??!?!
D: Please don't kill me!!!!!!!!!!!!!
M: What happened!!!!????!!!!
D: Well, um.... She was walking in those heels and I accidentally tripped her and broke her ankle.
M: Doug... Watch... Your.... Back!!!
E: Oh dear

What do you think Mal will do to Doug?

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