New Student

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Third Person POV

Ah, first day of my last year of high school. I can't wait to get out of this Satan-forsaken hell hole.

Bill Cipher, infamous senior, loved by students and hated by teachers, was walking to homeroom. He was a strange boy, everyone knew that. Most avoided him but they all knew him. He would constantly flirt with girls (and his charms succeeded in causing them to giggle and flirt back) and he seemed more like a weird demon with a freaky sence of humor than a human. But the strangest thing of all was his eyepatch.

He had no need for it covering his left eye, but he wore it anyways. It added to his charm and lots of girls agreed it made him look hotter than what was considered normal. And if that wasn't enough, the eye that wasn't covered shone a bright yellow, as if it was made of gold.

Bill turned the corner and bumped into someone. He didn't see who they were as he stumbled backwards.

"Hey, watch where you're go- oh hello there."

The girl wobbled on her feet, making sure she didn't fall, but she couldn't stop her books from tumbling to the ground.

"Oh God I'm so sorry!" She quickly apologized, red from embarrassment as she kneeled down to collect her books.

"Heh, it's alright," Bill had his classic smirk on his face, but the girl didn't seem to notice. He helped her pick up her books before taking her hand, "Nothing a beautiful girl like you has to worry about."

The girl smiled a big smile at the compliment.

"Heh, thanks!" She said, "I'm YN."

"Bill Cipher," The boy flashed her a award-winning grin, "Hm, I haven't seen you around before. And I feel like I would remember such a gorgeous face."

"Well, I am new," YN explained, "I just moved here from (city name)."

"Oh, is that so?" Bill chuckled, "Well how about I show you around, Doll?"

"That'd be great," YN smiled at the nickname. She was used to being hit on and given cute nicknames. At her old school she was pretty well known and likeable.

"Good," Bill nodded, "Well let me show you to your homeroom then. What's the room number?"

"Oh, it's-" YN was cut off by a boy, running over and grabbing her wrist.

"Oh, there you are!" He said. He wore glasses and had this look that made YN instantly label him as a nerd in her mind. Not that she cared, she considered herself a huge nerd, "Come on. We'll be late to class."

He pulled a confused YN along, away from Bill.

"What-? Well, I guess another time, then!" She called to Bill. The boy waved goodbye, frowning.

What's he doing with YN?


"What the hell?! Who are you?" YN asked once they round the corner.

"My apologies, miss," The boy sighed and adjusted his glasses, "I just- you should be talking to Bill! I saw you're new, and I wanted to warn you. He's bad news!"

"What? But he seemed nice," YN frowned.

"Cipher isn't what he seems," The boy said, "I used to think he was nice as well- I called him my friend! But he betrayed me, and I didn't want the same thing to happen to you."

"Hmpf," YN said, thinking, "Well, I don't judge people by what others say. But you still haven't said who you are."

"Oh right, where are my manners?" The boy said, holding out a hand, "Stanford Oak. But you can just call me Ford."

"Ok," YN nodded, not reaching out to shake his hand. Social interaction with new people wasn't her best talent, and she was too shy to shake hands. She did, however, notice something different about Ford, "Woah, cool! Six fingers?"

"Oh!" Ford blushed and held his hands behind his back, "Uh, t-that's nothing!"

"No it's not," YN tilted her head, confused. Why would he hide it? It was weird! And as she liked to say, embrace your weirdness!

Ford sighed, looking down.

"You probably think I'm a freak," He mumbled.

"I wouldn't say freak," YN said, thoughtful, "That's a little harsh. More like weird. And weird is cool! Embrace your weirdness!"

"R-really?" Ford looked up at YN, "You don't think it's- uh- unnatural?"

"Well, you were born with it, right?" YN asked, and Ford nodded, "Well then of course it's natural! If you're born with something then it's 100% natural. That's like, the very definition of natural."

"Wow, uh, t-thank you," Ford blushed like crazy, "Um, well, I-I should uh, get to class."

"Yeah, me too," YN nodded and pulled out her schedule, "Can you tell me where this room is?"

"Oh, that's my class," Ford smiled after looking at the room number, "Come on, I'll show you."

The two of them walked to class and sat down. Ford sat in the front row and YN sat in the second row. Right before the bell rung another boy entered, being the last one to do so. He looked just like Ford!

They must be twins... neat! YN thought. Her old school had twins too. She could never tell the two girls apart except for their clothes, but to be honest she never paid attention to what someone was wearing.

"Hello Stanley," Ford greeted as his brother sat down next to him.

"Hey Sixer," Stanley said. He looked around the room before spotting YN, who was bent over a book, reading, "Hey there beautiful."

YN looked up. Jeez, everybody's flirting with me today. I know I'm cute but it's my first day! YN mentally laughed and smiled.

"Oh, hi," YN said.

"So, you must be new," Stanley said.

"Yeah, I moved here from CN," YN explained.

"CN, huh?" Stanley asked, "That's pretty far."

"Yeah, my dad got a new job," YN said, fixing a stray piece of her HL HC hair behind her ear.

"Attention class," The teacher said, and class began.


This is my first, er, Bill Cipher x reader fanfic and one of my first Gravity Falls fanfics, so bare with me if the characters are a little off. Other than that, what did you guys think?

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