It's A Date!

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The day passed by quickly and soon ended. The students of Gravity Falls High School rushed out the front doors. Bill exited the doors, spotting a familiar HC girl sitting up against a tree. As he approached her he saw that she was on her phone, quickly tapping away at the screen.

"Hey Doll," Bill greeted, leaning against the tree. YN looked up at him.

"Oh, hi Bill," She smiled.

"So, whatcha doing?" Bill asked. To be honest he wasn't all that interested. He just wanted to get YN to like him. Girls all over the school knew how quickly he moved from relationship to relationship (though that never stopped any girls from their turn of dating him), usually sticking around for a month or two and having some fun before moving on. YN, however, didn't know this.

"Oh, I'm just writing," The girl answered.

"Writing?" Bill lifted his eyebrow.

"Yeah," YN nodded, "It's a... I wouldn't say a hobby, more like a talent. I'm planning on becoming a famous author!"

Bill chuckled at her enthusiasm. It was one of the many things that attracted him to her.

"Oh really?" He asked, "And how will you pull that off?"

"Well, I write and I get it published," YN said. Bill shook his head, smiling.

"Anyway, I'm free tomorrow after school," He began, "If maybe you want to, I dunno, catch a movie?"

"That seems like fun," YN smiled at him. She didn't know what Ford was talking about. Bill was really sweet! "What movie?"

"Personally I prefer a horror movie," Bill smirked, an evil glint in his one visible eye.

"I don't really like scary movies..." YN frowned, looking down at her screen. Bill rolled his eyes.

"Fine," He said, "What do you want to see?"

"The Secret Life of Pets!" YN responded with a smile.

"Really? Isn't that a kid's movie?" Bill mentally groaned.

"I'm childish, ok?" YN said.

"Alright, fine," Bill nearly snapped. He took a deep breath. YN was gorgeous, and really hot. He needed her to like him. Ergo, going to that stupid kid's movie, "We'll go see Secret Life of Whatever."

"Yay!" YN cheered and jumped up, wrapping her arms around Bill's chest in a hug. She noticed how much taller than her he was- she was only up to his chest! "Thank you!"

"Heh, no problem," Bill smirked, "Although, I don't particularly want to see the movie... how about we make a deal?"

"A... deal?" YN looked up questioningly at the tall boy. She pulled out of the hug and stood back so she could see his face.

"Yeah," Bill said, "I'll take you to see the movie, and in return we do what I want the next night."

"Well, ok," YN said, "Deal."

Bill held his hand out for her to shake. YN looked confused but eventually shook his hand.

"Hey, YN!"

YN looked over at the person calling her. She smiled at seeing Ford walking over with his brother. He glared at Bill before standing between  him and YN.

"What are you doing, Cipher?" Ford growled. YN looked at the two of them, confused.

"None of your business, but I have every right to be doing it," Bill crossed his arms, leaning his back against the tree, "But if you must know, me and the beautiful YN here are going on a date tomorrow."

"YN and I," YN corrected under her breath before speaking up, "It's just a movie, Ford. Nothing to worry about."

"YN, I warned you about him," Ford spun around to face the confused girl, "He's trouble!"

"Well I haven't seen anything that would label him as trouble," YN folded her arms.

"Yet," Ford added. At that moment Stan walked over.

"Hey, what's going on?" He asked, "Ugh, Cipher. What're you doin' here?"

"I'm simply waiting for the bus, Fez," Bill answered. Fez? That was a strange nickname. But neither Stan nor Ford seemed to question it.

"Yeah, alright," Stan rolled his eyes, "Come on Sixer, we gotta get going. Ma'll flip if we're not home in time to help with dinner."

"Alright," Ford sighed, "Just... be careful, alright YN?"

"I'll be fine," YN assured, "It's just a movie."


And what a movie it was.

YN was so excited to see it that she was practically bouncing in her seat the whole time. Even when Bill thought she had calmed down YN still jerked or moved suddenly when stuff happened in the movie.

"That was so fun!" YN exclaimed after the movie, "I think my favorite character was Gidget. She seemed nice."

"Mm-hm," Bill nodded, "Alright YN, so tomorrow we do what I want to do after school."

"M'kay," YN smiled.


The next day...

YN was waiting for the bus, scrolling through her Instagram (mostly through the #(favorite OTP) section) when a Frisbee flew by and hit her in the arm.

"Ow, hey," YN looked down at the toy before a redheaded girl ran over to get it.

"Woah, sorry dude," The girl said, "Hey, you're that new girl! YN, right?"

"Uh yeah, that's me," YN said. The girl was about her age- maybe they had some classes together.

"I'm Wendy," The girl introduced herself, "Hey, why don't you come over and hang out with me and my friends until your bus gets here?"

"Sure," YN smiled, stuffing her phone back in her pocket. Wendy showed her over to her friends.

"So this is Lee, Nate, Tambry, Robbie, and then Mabel and Dipper," Wendy introduced. Tambry was tapping away on her own phone.

"Status update: Wendy brought over the new girl," Tambry said.

"Hi, I'm Mabel!" The smaller girl beamed. She wore a thick sweater even though the summer heat was still in the air, "I'm 15 and own a pig! Wanna be friends?"

"Haha, sure," YN laughed. The other boy, Dipper, didn't say anything, instead choosing to stare at YN.

"Oh, and this is my twin brother, Dipper!" Mabel added, putting an arm around her brother. Wow, two sets of twins? Cool! "He's a huge nerd!"

"Mabel, no I'm not!" Dipper complained, squirming out of her arm.

"Don't worry, so am I," YN chuckled.

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