What if Napoleon went West instead of going East?: 1800

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Welcome to the first chapter of Austria's Alternative History. I will start the Alternative History soon, but I want you to know this is off of my own speculation of what would happen. With all that let's begin.

JANUARY: Napoleon befriends Sultan Selim III of the Ottoman Empire, and the two countries become allies. Napoleon starts to make the French military stronger, and sends diplomats to the French Colony of Louisiana. The Diplomats befriend Native American tribes, and arm them with weapons, and they talk about returning many lands the Americans took from the Native Americans. only if they will become part of the French Empire. Many tribes agree, and America immediately begins to look for allies. John Adams tries to get help from King Charles IV of Spain and Queen Maria I, but they both decline. Napoleon sends a small army to the Iberian Peninsula Charles surrenders immediately after a group of Spanish Rebels invade his castle, and take him hostage Joseph Bonaparte takes the throne of Spain, and orders Charles to be beheaded, and the Spanish Army with French soldiers take Portugal as well, and Joseph becomes King of French Iberia.

FEBRUARY: With the fall of the Iberian Peninsula, and the rise of the French Empire. Brandenburg, Prussia, Bavaria, Saxony, Moravia, Baden, and Wurttemberg start to work with each other to form the German Reich. Other areas of the HRE begin to join with this country. North Italian provinces begin to voice their opinion on forming a united Italy. Napoleon sends his brother Lucien to help form the united Italy. Lucien forms the United Italians party in the Kingdom of two Sicilies. Lucien and the Sicilian army begins to push up into Italy with help with the French Empire. The Papal States, Republic of Venice, Kingdom of Sardinia, Republic of Genoa, Grand Duchy of Tuscany, Trent, Parma, Modena, and Lucca form the Kingdom of Italy which is ruled by Lucien Bonaparte, and the country becomes a puppet state to of the French Empire. The Batvian Republic a French Puppet State (Dutch Empire) is given Louis Bonaparte Napoleon's brother King of the Dutch Empire.

MARCH: Francis II Kaiser of the German Reich declares that the Batvian Republic should be part of the German Reich. The Habsburg Monarchy calls for Francis II to be removed from the throne because he's an Italian, and they fear he will join the French. The Prussians agree, and Francis II is removed from the throne and Fredrick William III is named Kaiser of the German Reich, and he names the Habsburg Monarchy the Austrian Empire and a puppet state of the German Reich. Napoleon begins to get furious every minute because of the removal of Francis II. The French Empire and the Ottoman Empire declares war on the German Reich, the Austrian Empire, and the United States. Great Britain declares war on the French Empire and The Ottoman Empire and the War of the Empire begin.

APRIL: Sweden declares war on Denmark-Norway. France declares war on Sweden and the German Reich allies with Sweden. Great Britain blockades Denmark-Norway the German Reich gains victories in Groningen and Arnhem cities in the Netherlands. The French Empire tries to begin an invasion in Sussex England, and it fails before it begins. The British Navy sends 12 large warships to intercept a group French ships carrying more then 2000 French soldiers. Then the British send a group of transports dropping off 2500 soldiers on the Normandy, Bretagne, and Nord Pas es Calais Picardie. The English are able to keep the land with fear of the French Empire pushing up to the newly controlled English Territory. The Austrian Empire sends a diplomat to Moscow to gain Russian help with the Ottomans.

MAY: The Austrian government gains help from Russia only if they fight the Ottomans, and they agree. Russia begins a full scale invasion of the Ottoman Empire with help from the Austrian Empire. The English lose Bretagne and Nord Pas es Calais Picardie, but the British are still able to keep Normandy. The Germans are able to push through the Netherlands continuing to take cities with the French occupied by the British. Napoleon is able to send his brother Jerome to the Louisiana Colony, but renamed French America after gaining the Spanish Colony in America. Jerome wins many victories with help from the Native American Tribes in America. The French take the Indiana Territory. President John Adams dies of a heart attack. Thomas Jefferson becomes President of the United States, and sends Secretary of State Charles Lee to London to get help.

JUNE: Lee arrives in London, and on the way to Parliament British citizens throw food at the carriage when they arrive Lee is hit with tomatoes and cabbages. Lee makes his case to the House of Lords and House of Commons. King George III arrives, and listens. Lee spends three days in London. On the third day Lee stays at his cousins house, and waits till he hears the news King George III decreases that Great Britain will send troops to help the Americans through Canada. Napoleon makes a speech to the people of France, and says a famous line. "Your people rebel against you, and then you help them fight your enemy you are no King, but a coward who can't fight his own war, but I will push through, and soon I will be your Emperor. Now with the strength and honor we will win, and we will prove that no one can destroy the French long live the Empire, long live our grace." King George III removed all troops from America, and the French are able to push.

JULY: The French take the Indiana Territory, and began to head towards Ohio. As Jerome's forces began to enter Ohio they are met with the force of the Royal British Army, and hundreds of American soldiers. Napoleon finds out Jefferson asked to move the Army to Ohio borders to immediately ambush French troops. The French retaliate by blowing up 3 American slave ships killing hundreds. Sweden takes Norway, and land in Copenhagen. The Treaty of Esbjerg July 5th, 1800 states Sweden will take Denmark, Norway, Iceland, Greenland, and any other colonies. Sweden becomes the Kingdom Scandinavia. Gustav IV Adolf is named Kejsare (Emperor) of Scandinavia. The Treaty of Toledo July 17th 1800, states the French can keep the Indiana territory if they allow the American people to continue trade with the area, and allow them to keep citizenship.

AUGUST: No new slaves are able to enter the United States, and President Jefferson begins to push for the end of slavery in the United States. A group of German colonists are able to head to Africa, and a colony is set up in present day Mali. Francis II starts to meet with the German Reichstag, and makes the case that if he becomes King of Italy he'll make it a puppet. The French learn of this betrayal, and Francis II is killed on his way through Switzerland, by French soldiers.

SEPTEMBER: Germany invaded Switzerland, and conquers the German Swiss Border, and Austria takes the Swiss Austrian border. The Ottomans start to pull back to Turkey. Russia takes Bulgaria, Romania, and Istanbul. Austria takes Bosnia and Serbia. Greece is released, but Italian troops land in the Island of Crete. The French feel they are stuck in a stalemate with the Germans, so Napoleon meets with Kaiser Fredrick William III in Zurich. The war ends, and the treaty of Zurich is signed. Switzerland and the Netherlands is given to the German Reich, and the French form Belgium to be a neutral buffer. The English continue the war. Scandinavia sets eyes on Russia.

OCTOBER: The Austrian Empire and Scandinavia begin talks about war with the Russian Empire. King George III sends colonists into Africa, and demand the land from the Ottomans. The Sultan orders that any English colonist should be killed in the name of Allah.

NOVEMBER: The German colony of Mali gets attacked by a group of Ottoman soldiers. The Germans hold them off, and The German Reich declares war on the Ottoman Empire. The English declare war on the Ottoman Empire, and a fleet lands in Egypt. The German Reich pushes through Africa and conquer unoccupied land. French Mexico starts to push for independence from France. Germany sends a convoy ship to Mexico to give them weapons. The Mexican Revolution begins. France forms a military police in each of there colonies. The American army growers stronger with help from Great Britain. Scandinavia builds a navy that can match the British Jefferson gains more support to end Slavery.

DECEMBER: Austria demands that the French Empire release any Colony they got from Portugal or Spain. Napoleon sends a letter to the king of Greece telling him that if France and Greece become allies then the Greeks can take the Ottoman Empire. Japan unifies to form the Japanese Empire, and Korea worries that either Japan or The Qing Dynasty will invade them so they join Japan. The Qing Dynasty sees Japan as a threat to there nation, and the War of the Rising Sun begins. Germany befriends the Japanese and see them as the Asian Germany, and Germany declares was against Qing followed by England. Russia and France stay out.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01, 2016 ⏰

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