chapter 4 part 2

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end for 7th grade

thor pov.

we all wanted loki back. he's a good guy , deep down know he thinks he needs to prove him self when he doesn't. i what my brother back i tell him all the time , but he never listens to me. one more year and were off to high school , and i don’t what my brother to drop out like they think he will. he is smart. i hate what he's doing to himself.

“ jane, do you think i'm wasting my time defending him?” i asked looking at my lunch, i wasn't really hungry right now.

“no way thor , your doing what's right , he's just going through a rough spot right know but he’ll come back.” she says putting a hand on my shoulder “besides if he really does like _________, he'll have to eventually.” she whispered.

how did she know about that?  my eyes widened and she gave me a sly look before nudging me to follow her. once we were out of the lunch room jane spoke once again.

“ i see the way he watches her, yesterday one of the lost causes was talking about him when i was walking by i hid behind the corner and listened , he said something i didn't catch what loki just blows up at him, he slammed him against the lockers and told him off and he said and i quote” if you so much as think about her that way again , you'll be in the nearest emergency room ,” and when the other guy asked why loki said because shes  the one i have my eyes on.”

i really couldn't believe it. i was justly tuned. i new he used to have crush on her but , he really does care about her. i smile and thank jane there. might be a chance that i'll get my brother back after all.

tony pov.

all of us were a bit on edge we all could sense something was coming for us but we aren't sure what it was everything was to calm for my liking. since our table was often referred to as the heroes in disguise , we gave each other nicknames. they referred to us as heroes because well , when ever a kids  in trouble we would often help out, like i said we have given  each  other hero names. i’m iron man , steve’s captain america because of his patriotism, tasha's just agent romanoff, i was referring to her as the red-headed she beast, but well lets just say there's a dent in my math book now. clint is hawk eyes , i think you can guess what we call him that, thor we just call thor or the god of thunder. janes just jane as well , but behind the back we call her thor's arm candy, but thats many just me who calls her that , and finally bruise, is the hulk , because well don't get in his way when he's mad. oh and for ____________ we call her (cool superhero name you’d like to be called). like i said everything to calm , no one's picked on anyone.

my guess is it's the cam before the storm. its kind of scaring me it's about the are not of the year and every things to calm. whatever's coming for us is come soon and its going to be bad.

end of chapter 4

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