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That moment when school is stressing you the fuck out even though you only JUST got your schedule today

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That moment when school is stressing you the fuck out even though you only JUST got your schedule today.

::: RANT :::

      What's pissing me off so much is the fact I should be in Math 1 and VPS (taking Highschool classes in 8th). I was put into a different set of classes because of my squad.

      Our grade is run by three squads. The Goon Squad is lead by my little brother. The Jock Squad is lead by a kid named Noah Isbell. And then there's my squad. The fuckin Nerds.

      Anyways, they split up the squads on purpose. Each squad will have the least amount of communication as possible. Which means~ I was separated from my friends, which means I was put into a lower class than I should be. Whats pissing me off is that A. Lowers my chances to get into the highschool I want to go to and B. The principal is destroying everyone's social lives on purpose.

      The main people in my squad are Autumn, Tristan, Isaiah, and myself. None of us cross pats during the day besides Tristan and Isaiah who share home room. The librarian, who's Autumn's mom, hates both Tristan and I. She convinced the principal to keep the both of us separated AND to keep us separated from Autumn.

      This year is gonna be rough, I know it. It's not even fucking day one and I KNOW shit's not gonna end well. I'm going to be asking my mother to get me switched to the other block. If they say no, I'm gonna keep trying. I don't give a fuck. It's pissing me off. I'm half tempted to call the principal and go off on her.

      But I have decency so I'm not going to. Not now at least.

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