Chapter 8: Take A Chance

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"And when they shall say unto you, Seek unto them that have familiar spirits, and unto wizards that peep, and that mutter: should not a people seek unto their God? for the living to the dead?" Isaiah 8:19


We waited as the old lady came into the office, with her squeaky little cart, I shook my leg as I grew impatient, I internally urged for her to hurry up, and she started moving, fast. She was practically running to hand me my results. I opened them only to read "Must take all tests", what the hell? All the power tests?! I peak over at Future and his says the exact same thing. I got really nervous. This can't be right, I mean, this is basically telling me that, I might have the most powers our generation may ever see. Why though? I'm so confused, what the hell is going on?!





So... Let me get this straight. I have ALL powers?! What the hell is going on? I know I may be powerful, but I'm used to the drug cartel, not 'Sabrina the teenage cracker', I got up and speed walked to Mr. Sol, "What the hell is this?" I asked with the paper in his face. "Don't worry about it, I have something you need to do for me and take Dece along with you, I need you to make a drop, now here's how you do it-" Mr. Sol started but I interrupted him. "I know how to make a drop, just give me the info." I snapped. He knew I was angry so he didn't trip. He told me the directions and Dece and I were on our way. Things were about to get real sticky with our dangerous duo.




Mr. Sol

What Future failed to realize was that, I wanted him to make a drop in the 'supernatural drug cartel' NOT some rinky-dink, round the way dealer. Our organization doesn't work like that, WE don't work like that, even if we do mess with humans, we keep that shit at a minimum. We don't trust them, they don't know ANYTHING about us. See, the supernatural world has always ran the drug cartel, no matter what. Also, before they had tests to see what powers you will have, you would go out on a drug run, and encounter different stuff you needed to use your powers on, especially in our 'hood', witches and warlocks dwell among us even in the house of the lord. See, we are a group of supernatural beings, however we identify religiously as Christians. Mostly because we wanted to fit in, but also because that is part of our natural ancestry. Let me get back to the point though, I'm going to be retiring soon, once Dece understands the ways of the game, and how it will affect her. I just hope she makes it through these tasks alive. One thing that scares me though is...Never mind, I'm just making myself scared.





Dece and Future, drove off the highway. They entered the strange neighborhood and looked out the windows, they saw prostitutes, junkies, dealers, the usual. They pulled up to the 'abandoned' house and got out, all of a sudden all those prostitutes and junkies started running towards them. "Want a good night?" a prostitute asked, "You got them rocks?" a junkie asked next. They both shook their heads. "Maybe you guys should leave-" Dece started to say, "Bitch we AIN'T talking to YOU!" the prostitute and junkie said at the same time, then laughed. Those smiles were gone when Dece pimp slapped both of them. They got up quickly "Oh you're gonna regret ever coming in this neighborhood!" said the prostitute. Her and the junkie joined hands and said a little 'spell', all of a sudden they picked Dece up and she was in mid air, if they drop her she could die. The prostitute laughed at how much power she had over the little humans, well combined power, her and the junkie both have the power of telekinesis, however they can only move objects a certain height when doing it alone. When combined the person can go a lot higher. She was thinking she was going to kill this girl, mostly because her man was looking pretty fine.

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